Chapter Thirteen, Gwaine to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

"Fourteen quarts of mead, three flagons of wine, five quarts of cider, four dozen pickled eggs." Arthur read out ignoring Merlyn's explanation.
"That was Gwaine. He went to the Tavern celebrating for well, just because and because he said I'm his first friend." Merlyn said with a roll of her eyes at Arthur's rising jealousy she could see in his eyes. "Arthur, he's just a friend, like... Will... Leon and Lancelot." She complained. "Anyway, he got carried away and couldn't pay for it."
"So you said I would." Arthur stated.
"You said he's to be given anything he needs or wants." Merlyn reminded him.
"Four dozen pickled eggs?" Arthur shouted.

"I'm sorry. I'll pay for it."  Merlyn apologised.
"You most certainly will." Arthur said, as he threw the bill away from him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a jealous dollophead." He apologised, getting up from his desk as Merlyn giggled, and wrapping his arms around her pressing his forehead against hers. "I wish I didn't have to treat you like you weren't my friend and the woman I love." Arthur complained.


An hour later after Merlyn had finished tidying and cleaning Arthur's chambers, she joined Gwaine in the Throne Room to clean the boots of the entire army. Something that Gwaine wasn't happy about.
"Arthur is a thoroughbred little braggart." Gwaine complained.
"Why?" Merlyn asked curiously.
"For making us do this. You have enough to do already, Merlyn. He loves you and yet he makes you do this!" Gwaine replied, viciously scrubbing at a boot.

"He can't exactly say that he does with Uther, and I think it's fair." Merlyn said.
"True but still." Gwaine complained. "But for the entire army?" He asked incredulously, pointing to the very long line of muddy boots.
"If you admitted your father was a Knight, you wouldn't have to." Merlyn said.
"I'd never let you do all this by yourself, even if they may have let me off. And I'm not making the same mistakes that he did." Gwaine said, as he roughly scrubbed at a different boot. "Anyway, my father treated his servants well."
"You didn't know him. Or did you lie to me last night, Gwaine?" Merlyn teased.

"Well, I like to think that he did." Gwaine corrected, smiling at her. "What about your father?" He asked, wanting to know more than what he learned last night though he hoped he didn't upset her.
"He didn't have servants, or anyone really. He never got to see my mother again. I had promised him I'd take him back to Ealdor so he could see her, was never meant to be. I just wish that I had the chance to know him better. There's so much he could've taught me, that he wanted to. All that I know I've had to learn on my own or from the bits that Gaius knew." Merlyn said sadly, letting out a deep sigh as she hinted at magic. Feeling bad for bringing it up, especially after last night, Gwaine pulled Merlyn into a hug.

Which admittedly made them both feel better.
"But at least you got to meet him and you told me, he said he was proud of you, and you have the dragon he made you, and in the power you share." Gwaine said as he kissed the top of her head in a sibling way. 
"Yeah. I know your father would be proud of you too, Gwaine." Merlyn insisted but Gwaine didn't answer.
"If there's one thing that I learned from my father's life, it is that titles don't mean anything. It's what's inside that counts." Gwaine said, as he tapped her knee with the brush.
"Ow." Merlyn complained, rubbing her knee before flicking him on the forehead making them both laugh. It felt good to bond more with each other and spend time with each other. It felt like Merlyn had found a big brother she's always wanted in Gwaine and Gwaine had found a little sister in her.


Out in the Training Field Arthur, who was still rather annoyed, was beating the dummy rather viciously. He was annoyed at his old friend Sir Oswald. Merlyn had told him of all he'd made her do the other day and it honestly made his blood boil that someone could treat such a kind soul like Merlyn in such a way. Overlooking how they first met with an ironclad resolve as he beat the dummy mercilessly, if only he could declare how he felt for Merlyn, but he shuddered at what his father would do if he did.
"You look like you need a bit of practice." 'Sir Oswald' said, pulling Arthur from his thoughts.
'Speak of the devil.' Arthur thought annoyed before he schooled his features.
"Ah, you think so?" Arthur asked.
"I know so." 'Sir Oswald' stated, holding his hand out to Merlyn, (who had just joined them after bringing the polished swords from the armoury once she'd finished cleaning all of the boots).

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