"Yes, but I rejected the proposal."

Todoroki's eyes widened whereas the King dropped his spoon on the table.

"May I ask why?"

"Your son and I had a hard time developing feelings for each other. And although I was very flattered, our hearts simply don't belong together. I hope you understand."

"You selfish girl. This union has been planned since both of your infancy! I can't accept the fact that you rejected his proposal that easily and I must say that I'm quite enraged about it also. You will accept it and that's final."

(y/n) stood up from her chair and gritted her teeth from trying to hold back her insults.

"Unfortunately for you, your majesty, my parents aren't around anymore to force me into doing things. I take responsibility for my own actions and decisions now whether you like it, or not." she said, adjusting her crown and fixing her posture once again. "My answer is final. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to my castle."

Todoroki stood up and followed (y/n) to the carriages, apologizing multiple times along the way.

"For the last time, don't worry about it!" she smiled at him before entering the carriage. "Come visit me sometime okay? Lunch will be much more enjoyable."

"Of course!" he bowed.


As soon as she got out of her carriage, she stumbled across Bakugou who was sitting on a small bench with his arms crossed.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm supposed to be your guard."

"I gave you the day off."

"You can't give me the day off if you're away from the castle."

"It's okay. I took my sword with me." she assured, him rolling his eyes at her. "Take your horse, we're heading out."

"To where?"

"Didn't you say you liked exploring? Show me some good places." she smiled while walking to her horse. "Wait for me, I need to change."


Bakugou took her in a nearby forest where he used to play with his friends when they were little. They got off their horses and started walking around, Bakugou telling her short stories about his time there.

"You haven't seen the best part yet."

He chopped some veins and branches with his sword along the way to create a small passage for her, and finally, after moving some rocks away from what seemed to be an entrance, she realized that they were standing next to a small waterfall.

Her eyes widened as she took some steps forward, her mouth half open at how amazed she was by the scenery.

"How did you find out about this place?"

"Like I said, I like exploring." he smirked while crossing his arms.

She took off one of her gloves and touched the ice cold water, her body shivering at the sudden change of temperature.

"I don't know much about flowers, but I really like this one."

She turned around, only to see Bakugou offering her a red tulip. After accepting it gladly, she stared at it for a moment with a small smile on her face.

"You know what tulips symbolize?" she asked while standing up from her little squat, him simply shrugging his shoulders. "Deep love."

A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and he scratched the back of his head.

"You really like flowers huh." he murmured.

"Having nothing else to do around the castle when I was little, my parents allowed me to learn about flowers and plants so that I could plant some around our garden. My parent's symbol, if you haven't noticed in the castle's flags, has a lycoris, also known as spider lilly. There are a lot of meanings and symbolisms around that flower, but none of them are good. That's why I'll change it when I inherit the Queen's title."

"Change it to what?"

"You'll have to wait and see." she smiled, the soft breeze moving everything around them calmly. "Let's head back shall we?"

She turned around and slowly walked to her horse, only for him to wrap his hand around her wrist, making her face him again with wide eyes.

"O-Oh sorry." he stuttered, quickly hiding his hand behind his back and bowing.

A faint smile appeared on (y/n)'s lips and she took some steps closer to him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek while he was still bowing.

"Thank you for today. It was fun."

"Yeah.. no problem."


On their way home they were both pretty silent. Bakugou couldn't stop thinking about the little kiss that the Princess gave him. Actually, it was hard for him not to touch his cheek on their way back.

Suddenly, her horse got out of control for a minute and as she was trying to calm it down, it threw her hard on the grownd. Bakugou jumped off his horse and helped her stand up, putting her weight on his body for support.

"Are you okay?" he asked worried.

"I hit the back of my head." she murmured, her eyes still closed. "I feel kinda dizzy."

Bakugou checked her wound and winced when he saw that she was bleeding slightly. He took a handkerchief off his pocket and pressed it against her head for some time, trying to stop the bleeding as she gripped the ends of her dress.

"I got it, thanks." she whispered, taking a hold of the handkerchief. As she walked towards her horse, she noticed some type of green paint across its front legs. "Ah, this is bad."

"What happened?"

"This paint, it is from a rival family." she sighed while touching it gently after taking off one of her gloves. "I'll tell you more about it at the castle, we aren't safe here so we better go now."

She hopped on her horse but Bakugou took the reins away from her hands.

"You can't ride like this."

"I'll be fine." she sighed, taking a hold of the reins once again. "Let's go."

Bakugou rolled his eyes and followed her orders, knowing that she wouldn't listen to him anyway. As soon as they arrived at the castle, nobody questioned them further because, as she had planned, everyone thought that she was still at Todoroki's castle.

Entering her chamber, she took a quick bath and after she changed, she headed to the healer's medical room.

I need to talk about this with Aizawa.

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