Frozen Wings (Philza and Wilbur)

821 14 1

TW: Blood, Near Death Experience 

'Text' = thoughts

"Text" = speech

Text = flashback

"Text" = on call (phone)

Text = time skip

Text = extra info/intro

"TEXT" = shouting


'How did this go so wrong?' was the one thing that went through Philza's mind. What was meant to be a simple and fun resource trip turned into a life or death situation.

2 Hours Prior

Wilbur and Phil had decided to go on a quick resource trip since they were running low on wood and food, they'd left a note for Tommy and Techno saying "Just gone out to get resources, we'll be back by 13:35pm. From Phil and Wilbur". 

After collecting enough wood they'd both gone to get food, that's where it all went wrong. While Wil was getting beef, a strong gust of wind had knocked him off balance. Phil saw this and went over to help him, but as he got close, the ground had caved in.

Back To The Present

"Wilbur, mate are you okay?" Phil asked, his voice echoed around the ravine they'd fallen into. "I think I'm okay, its too dark to see, it's cold though.." was Wilbur's reply, Phil moved over to him. He checked over Wil to see if there were any injuries, which unfortunately there was. As Wil had fallen into the ravine, his arm and back had crashed against the stone which had caused a gash to open on his arm. Wil's back had quite a few cuts on it, the blood running down his face suggested that he'd hit his head as well.

Wilbur's body was shaking quite a bit, he'd never been good in the cold. Phil pulled Wilbur close to him and wrapped his wings around both of them, he needed to keep them both as warm as possible. Wil held onto Phil's coat and snuggled close to him, his body had started shaking more. "Wil you need to try stay awake okay?" it was more of a command then it was a question, "'s cold though, I don't like the cold.." Wil's voice was shaking. "I know that, but you can't fall asleep." Phil said, his tone was stern, Wilbur just nodded.

40 Minutes Later

Phil was getting concerned now, Wilbur was now shaking violently and his body felt like ice. His wings now had a thin layer of frost and snow over them, "Wil, you awake?" Philza shook his shoulder. "'m 'wake.." Wilbur's voice was slurred, "'s cold Phil, cold..." he curled up more. "I know mate, lets just hope someone finds us soon.." was all Phil could really say. 

"Phil 'm sleepy.. really... sleepy.." Wil slurred, his words barely making sense, "You're doing well Wil, just stay awake." Phil replied. He felt Wil lean on him more, his body was worryingly cold. 'C'mon Wil, stay awake for me..' Phil said in his head, he knew Wilbur wouldn't be able to stay awake for much longer. Since they hadn't planned on being out long, Wil had only put on a sweater and jeans.

Wilbur's breathing had started to grow uneven and shaky, he was fighting a losing battle to stay awake, his body was screaming at him to fall asleep. He couldn't feel his arms or legs anymore and his mind was foggy, he let his head rest against Phil's chest, he was too weak to hold himself up anymore. "Phil... 'm c... cold... 'n sleepy..." he slurred, his eyes were fighting to shut against his will. "I know mate, I know. But you have to stay awake." Phil's voice was full of worry, "I can't... my eyes.... aren't listening...." Wil's body relaxed more against Phil, the cold was starting to get the better of him. "G'night Phil..." was all Wil said before he passed out. "Shit, Wil!" Philza shouted in panic, he knew it wouldn't do anything.

2 Hours Later

Phil wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep, the last thing he remembered was holding Wilbur close as he passed out. As he slowly came to he could feel something warm holding him, he opened his eyes to look around and saw Techno carrying him. "Techno?" his voice was quiet, Techno looked down at him and smiled, "Hallo Phil, glad you're awake." Techno said. 

'Wait, Wilbur!' was the thought that suddenly came to his mind, "Techno, is Wil alright?!" Phil asked, his voice was laced with concern. "Well I wouldn't say he's 'alright' as such, but he's alive." Techno assured him, "Ranboo's carrying him currently." he added. Phil rested his head against Techno and sighed, he ended up falling asleep.

6 Hours Later

When Philza woke up for the second time he felt warmer, he could tell that he was inside now. When he opened his eyes he was blinded by the sudden light, he put an arm over his eyes. After his eyes adjusted to the light he looked around, he realised that he was in his own room.

"Oh Phil, your awake!" he recognised that voice, it was Ranboo, "How you feeling?". "Apart from being cold I'm okay, is Wilbur alright?" he replied, he wanted to know that Wil was alive. "Yeah he's alright, Techno and Tommy are looking after him. He's in his room." Ranboo explained. "We were worried we were too late when we found you both. Wil was barely hanging on, you weren't much better either..." he said. Phil nodded and yawned, "If your tired get some rest, we'll take care of everything!" Ranboo suggested.

2 Hours Later

When Wilbur woke up, everything was spinning. He opened his eyes and saw that he was covered in at least 6 blankets, however that wasn't what he was worried about. After getting out from under his blanket pile, Wil made his way over to Phil's room. Once he opened the door and saw Phil his body relaxed, he walked over to the bed and curled up next to his father figure. Phil instinctively pulled Wil into a hug.

That was how Tommy, Techno and Ranboo found them, both in the comfort of each others embrace.


Words: 1011

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