One Way Out (Ranboo)

612 12 0

TW: None

'Text' = thoughts

"Text" = speech

Text = flashback

"Text" = on call (phone)

Text = time skip

Text = extra info/intro

"TEXT" = shouting


Ranboo was known for getting stuck in dangerous situations, now was no exception.

Ranboo had just been walking around a forest with Tubbo, nothing dangerous or stupid. However the world always seemed to turn on these boys, and it would happen at the worst times.

"Ranboo look! A bee!" Tubbo yelled as he ran towards the bee, Ranboo quickly turned around and ran to catch up with Tubbo. Scott and Dream had trusted him to keep Tubbo safe, he wasn't willing to break their trust. 

After following Tubbo through a clearing, they both realised that they'd made a mistake. Whilst they'd been running, they'd been going deeper and deeper into the forest and were now lost. "C'mon Tubbo, we should try find our way home." Ranboo suggested, he didn't want to end up lost in a forest in the dark. "But the bee!" Tubbo argued, "We can find the bee another time, we need to go home." he said as he reached for Tubbo's arm. 

"Aww c'mon Memory Boy! Can't we stay here a bit longer?" Tubbo whined, Ranboo shook his head, "It's not safe out here at night, plus there are bears in th-" Ranboo was cut off by loud footsteps. The sound was coming towards them fast, Ranboo grabbed hold of Tubbo's arm. "RUN!" he shouted, both boys took off into a sprint as the creature got closer.

"Ranboo! Where are we even running to?!" Tubbo screamed as they ran, "I don't know! Anywhere that's away from whatever's following us!" he replied. His tail was swishing violently from side to side as he continued to run, however luck wasn't on their side. 

As they came out of the trees, they were met with a cliff edge. Both of them came to a stop before turning around, the thing that had been chasing them was a massive black bear. Tubbo panicked and grabbed hold of Ranboo for protection, Ranboo pulled Tubbo close to his side and wrapped his tail around his chest. 

"Ranboo, what do we do now?" Tubbo whispered, his voice laced with fear. "I don't know Tubbo, but I'll think of something." he said in a hushed whisper.

The bear started to walk forwards showing its jaws, there was no way they were going to be able to get past it. Taking a look over the cliff edge, Ranboo got a stupid idea. 'It's risky, very risky, but it might be our only option...' he thought as he looked back at the bear. 

"Tubbo," he started, "move behind me and stay still, okay?" he finished. Tubbo simply nodded and did as he was instructed. Ranboo made an enderman sounding screech in an attempt to scare away the bear, sadly it did the opposite of what he hoped and caused it to charge at them.

Ranboo spun around quickly and started to run towards Tubbo, the boy's eyes widened in fear as made an attempt to move. Ranboo didn't let him move and instead leapt right towards him.

As Ranboo collided with Tubbo, both of them fell off the cliff edge, Ranboo kept a tight hold on Tubbo. 'Please work!' he thought as he closed his eyes. After about 5 seconds of falling, both of them disappeared in a cloud of purple particles.

It was only when Tubbo felt his back make contact with the ground that he opened his eyes. To his surprise, he wasn't dead. Looking around he realised that he was in his back garden, he was confused for a bit however it suddenly clicked. 

Looking to his right, he saw Ranboo lying on his stomach on the grass. He shuffled over and looked at the hybrid, it was then he realised that Ranboo had teleported both of them to safety. He also noticed that he was asleep.

Tubbo smiled as he got up and went to the back door. He opened it and called for Scott, "Scott! Can you give me a hand down here please!!" he shouted. Soon after he'd spoken, Scott came to the door. "What do you need Tubbo?" he questioned, Tubbo simply pointed to the passed out Ranboo. "Ahhhh okay." Scott said before going out and picking the boy up.

4 Hours Later

When Ranboo finally woke up, his first thought was 'Where's Tubbo?" however that was quickly answered by a loud shout from downstairs. He smiled as he got up to go down, he ended up staying the night at Tubbo's place.


Words: 748

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