"Hey, it's okay. He can't do anything anymore." His words were soothing and gave her strength to look up at least. His hand was still stretched out for her to hold onto. She accepted it this time and he pulled her up on her feet.

"Thank god...you arrived on time."

Mihyun sat on the sidewalk, speechless and scared. Crying silently while hugging the jacket the officer gave her to wear, remembering what happened half an hour ago. The officer who saved her was talking to the petrol that came to arrest her father. Sounds of sirens and police cars have caused a bit of a scene but she can care less about that right now.

He's been carried away by a police car a few minutes ago. But she can still hear his wild screaming telling her to die and threatening her to come back for his revenge. She hugged her knees closer and made herself smaller so he can't see her anymore. If that even made sense.

A black Lamborghini stopped at the side of the road and the drivers seat door opened. She looked that way only to be happy and surprised at the same time. A man wearing glasses came out of the car and locked eyes with her.

"Oppa..." she weakly called before standing up. The said man ran towards her and wrapped his arms around the girl urgently. She could feel his heart racing when she hugged him back. This man got easily scared when it's about her.

After what just happened...

"Are you okay?" She nodded in his chest and sighed. He still hasn't calmed down but his body was relaxing under her grasp. Feeling the safety back in herself as he's here, she let the fear be pushed back to a corner and focused on what's going on.

"Excuse me..." they had to part the embrace as the officer from before came to talk to them. She turned to him.

"I need a you to file a report. Is he your guardian?" The officer asked pointing at the man she was hugging previously.

"Yes." She nodded. "My older brother."

"Min Yoongi." He introduced himself and looked at the name tag that's attached to the officer's vest. "Officer Jung?"

"Right. Jung Hoseok." He pulled out pen and started writing down the informations on his notepad. Typical police work but it didn't piss her off today. Usually she'd have been more frustrated about it. "Your name?" He asked her.

"Mihyun." She answered simply.

"Last name?" His pen stopped and he looked up, question mark taped on his face.

"Min Mihyun." Yoongi answered for her.

She turnd to him, widened eyes and was about to open her mouth again but he stopped her by looking back. Protesting is useless here. She already told the officer Yoongi's her older brother so it's just normal that they share the same last name.

"Do you know that man?" Hoseok referred to her father and asked, waiting for her to answer.

She couldn't understand whether to tell him yes or no. She did know the man. But then again, she's too ashamed to admit it.

"I do." She let out in a whispered while closing her eyes. "He's my step father."

It never sat right with her. The name, the tag of a family member she had to use while growing up, it all felt like a torture in itself while she went through more. More of the ringing pain, the walls closing in on her like a maze with no escape. She just wanted to move on, stop things from happening so fast. Stop herself from being called as the daughter of a drunkard oppressor.

She felt an arm wrapping around her shoulder and pulling her close. The warmth made her feel like crying again.

"I see." Hoseok sounded apologetic as he took notes.

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