"Ohhh, that's cute." Louis said, looking between Liam and Zayn then smiling.

A few minutes passed and Niall best Zayn at their 'battle' which resulted in an annoyed groan from Zayn and a holler of excitement from Niall.

Niall teased Zayn, but then Zayn beckoned us all closer. Me and Louis crawled to the foot of the bed, right above them while Liam scooted over towards us all.

He pulled a bag out of his jacket pocket and it had 5 blunts in it.

Liam gave Zayn a grin.

"After dinner we can smoke them on the roof, I also brought a bottle of vodka." Zayn informed us, smirking at Liam.

We all nodded our heads in agreement, I've never smoked before but I was definitely willing to try it.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" Niall's dad called from downstairs. We all got up and Zayn stuffed the blunts back in his pocket for later. We all walked down the stairs, huddling into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. Niall say in one side of me and Louis on the other, Liam sat in between Zayn and Niall's mom. Niall's dad sat at the end of the table, smiling at all of us.

There was a pot of spaghetti in the middle of the table and all of us had bowls and forks infront of us, accompanied by a napkin.

Niall was the first to serve himself, followed by everyone else.

"So I don't think we have properly met you yet Louis." Niall's mom noted, looking in Louis direction.

"Oh yeah, I just started hanging out with these guys this week, I'm a senior." Louis explained politely.

"Huh. Maybe you can teach my son to be less immature then." Niall's mom teased, earning a groan from Niall.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." Louis laughed.

The rest of dinner was nice, me and Niall were having a conversation while Louis talked to Niall's mom more. Liam and Zayn were engaged in their own little world, you could tell Zayn liked Liam just as much as Liam liked Zayn.

Dinner eventually ended and me and the rest of the boys rushed back upstairs, Zayn grabbed the Vodka out of his bag and then we climbed out onto the roof. Niall had a flat roof so that was good, we wouldn't roll off or anything.

"Alright everyone, choose your weapon." Zayn said, opening the bag of blunts and motioning for us to take one. We all did as he said.

He passed around a lighter and we all lit our blunts.

I was nervous to try it, but I was excited at the same time. Everyone had started smoking theirs and i was just staring at mine, shivering as the wind blew through my curls.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Louis said, nudging my side gently.

"Oh it's not that, I've just never done this before." I explained, giving a shy smile to Louis.

Before he could say anything else, I took a long drag from the blunt, but immediately started coughing hard.

Zayn and Niall started snickering, Zayn reaching over and patting me on the back a few times.

"There ya go mate." He said, giving me a lopsided smile.
About 30 minutes passed and we were all buzzed and high, laughing at nothing in particular.

"So, Ni. How's it going with that girl you were telling us about a few days ago?" I asked, I felt really calm and carefree, it was nice.

"Oh, yeah, everything's all good in the hood." Niall replied, it was followed by silence for a few seconds before we all bursted into laughter.

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