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I absolutely hate theme parks and fairs. They have everything that I hate. Heights, Speed (Motion sickness) and People. Toby said I would be fine and Tommy was going to be there with me, it wasn't like I was alone. Oh, how wrong he was. I was entirely alone in this because Tommy was not on my side and neither was Toby. 

I put on a pair of black leggings, a white tee shirt and a jean jacket. 

I walked down the stairs with a plan. It was very simple. If Toms wanted me to go to the fair he was going to have to drag me. After a bit he'll get annoyed and bring me back home and he'll be so mad that he'll never want to see me again.

But of course, my hopes and dreams had to be ruined.

Once I got downstairs I saw Toby and Toms in the kitchen.  I sighed and walked over to fill a glass of water. They didn't pay much attention to me, deep in conversation. Something about Dream, which I believe is Clay's online name. Speaking of his maybe he could save me.

I took out my phone and opened our text messages.

Bree and Clay's messages

Bree: I need help.

Bree: A child is trying to murder me.

Clay: I'm assuming by Child you mean Tommy and not the actual child you live with

Bree: Your assumption is correct. 

Clay: How exactly are you being murdered?

Bree: Death by fair.

Clay: WHAT?



Clay: Is he there?

Bree: Yes...

Clay: I'm calling, put me on speaker.

I grinned as I put my phone on the counter. The guys looked at me weirdly and I heard my phone vibrate.

Incoming call...


I happily accepted it and both guys looked at me weirdly. 

"Hello." I greeted Clay.

"Hey there Bree." He returned the greeting. I looked at the guys as their eyes widened. I may have not told them about the fact that I am in touch with Clay. I just happened to accidently click the discord thingy and then we talked for a while, Clay listening to my rants. 

Then he just gave me his phone number and told me to text him whenever I needed. 

"DREAM?!?!" Toms practically yelled in my eardrums. I winced but stayed next to him.

"Tommy," Clay said, his voice suddenly serious.

"YOU KNOW DREAM? AND YOU HAVE HIS PHONE NUMBER?" Toms questioned loudly, completely ignoring Clay.

"Tommy, listen here. If she comes back with even a scratch I will find your address and murder you in your sleep."

Tommy looked seriously terrified and Toby was just looking at me all confused. 

Then a realization dawned on me. He didn't tell Toms not to force me into going to the fair. 

"Wait, you were supposed to tell him to let me stay home," I whined. 

Toms glared at me but didn't comment. Though his facial expressions told me that he was mad.

"It's going to be good for you!" Clay reasoned.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now