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I wake up to a bright light filling my vision. I groan and turn around to try and block my eyes from the light. I just end up trapping myself in a mess of blankets. It takes a minute for me to wiggle out and finally sit up. 

I look around to see my comforter sprawled messily on my bed. My laptop is also sitting dangerously close to the edge of the bed. I lunge for it and place it on the shelf on my wall. I stand up and attempt to straighten out my blankets.

Once I'm content with the state of my bed I get dressed. I put on a white tennis skirt with a cropped long sleeve black shirt with two white stripes in the middle. I keep my hair down and walk over to Ava's room. 

She is already up and has a pair of light wash jeggings and a pink shirt with frills along the arms. She is sitting on her bed and looking at a picture book.

"Good morning A bear." I greet her. She looks up from her book and smiles. She puts down the book and crawls out of bed.

We walk downstairs to the kitchen where mum and Auntie Clara are. 

"Good morning." I greet again.

"Morning girls." Auntie Clara says. 

Ava rushes over to mum and jumps into her open arms. I smile as mum and Ava hug and then proceed to make their breakfasts. I go to the refrigerator and grab the milk. I take out two bowls and the cereal just as Toby walks upstairs, yawning. 

"Morning Tobs," I say as I fill both bowls up.

"Good morning." He replies.

I finish filling the bowls and send one to him. He smiles before eating it. I eat my own and then look over to make sure Ava is eating. She is eating a yogurt with a cup of orange juice. I give mum a smile. I'm glad she's having a good day.

I start to pack Ava and I's lunch boxes. Toby does his own. Once I'm done with that I bring Ava to the washroom where we brush our teeth and do our business one at a time.

After that, I head downstairs and grab the car keys. Toby s already outside and waiting. 

"See you after school," I say to Auntie Clara only since mum and uncle have now already left for work. 

I head outside and unlock the car. Toby helps Ava in while I get into the driver's seat. Once toby is in the car I start the ten-minute drive to school. I decide to talk with Toby since no one is saying a word.

"This is nice," I say.


"I'm glad your here Toby."

"Me too Bee." He replies with a genuine smile.

I look over to see he seems to be texting someone. 

"Who are you texting?" I ask.



Toby and Tommy's messages

Tubbo like da bee: Morning

Tomathy: Morning

Tomathy: Your first day of school is today right?

Tubbo like da bee: Yup

Tomathy: I'm going to show you around my friend

Tomathy: I'll be the best guide

Tubbo like da bee: I don't doubt it

Tomathy: Is Bree going to be there?

Tubbo like da bee: I think so why?

Tomathy: Just asking

After dropping Ava off we park at school and I see Tommy near the entrance. I turn to Toby.

"You're meeting up with him?" 

"Yeah, why?" He asks.

"I'll see you after school then," I say.

"Bee, you were fine yesterday." 

"Yesterday I didn't have to speak to him much and I was in the comfort of my own home," I explain to him. "Plus I like being on my own."


Before he can finish the sentence I'm already out of the car and making my way to the side entrance of the school. I don't want to be mean to Toby it's just that I really would prefer to be alone. When I'm alone I don't have to converse with people or try to get them to like me.

I head to first period and sit in the backseat. I prepared my things and looked up when the bell rang. That's when I noticed Tommy walk into the class. Wait. He's been in my English class this entire time? I quickly put up a book to shield my face. 

The good thing is that he sits at the front of the class, and never really turns around. I couldn't believe it though, this was going to be so much harder to not run into him. 

At the end of English, I waited until I was the last one out to leave the class. I exited the class and made sure Tommy wasn't there. Luckily he was not there. He also wasn't in any of my other classes before lunch. I had one class with Toby (Math) which I just spent showing him my notes and what the teacher was talking about. 

I didn't have either of them in the class before lunch. That made it so much easier to go to the library again. It had begun to be the only spot that I would visit other than my locker and classrooms. 

I took out a book and tried to get comfortable. I decided to do something different and sit in the air, my feet and back being the only thing keeping me up. It was surprisingly comfortable and I started to read my book. I had run out of work to catch up on and had decided to borrow books from the library instead. 

I had been getting to page 48 of The Cruel Prince when out of nowhere, someone said.

"I should have figured you used the library." 

I jumped out of my spot, which was not a very good idea since I was in the air. I ended up falling on my butt and throwing the book. I yelped and looked towards the person. Tommy.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now