I headed upstairs, walking past the rooms. Most of the doors were open and I could hear the guys chatting so it was easy to find which room BamBam had picked for us.

"Uh, there's only one bed," BamBam told me.

"Well, you didn't have to state the obvious," I retorted with an eyeroll. "What about the others?"

"They all have an extra bed. It's just this room," he replied, "They already claimed the rooms before I could. Sorry."

I let out a breath and went out. I found Jackson and Mark's room easily and tried to get them to switch rooms with us.

"Where would the other sleep?" Uh, on the floor?

"I'm not sleeping on the floor." I had to roll my eyes at that.

"You two could just share the bed." After that comment, Jackson realized I'm not so good at throwing punches and pretty much just laughed at me.

I didn't bother asking the other guys because a) I wasn't as close with them, and b) they would most likely have the same answer.

I went back to the room, defeated.

"What now?" I let myself fall onto the bed, landing with a soft thump.

"I'll just sleep on the floor," BamBam suggested.

While I felt bad about the situation I agreed to it. At least I wasn't the one on the floor.

I settled in, which pretty much was just me pushing my bag to the corner of the room and unzipping it. It wasn't like anyone was going to steal anything, and my underwear was stuffed deep inside the bag so nothing embarrassing was showing.

"I'm gonna go outside," I told him. "I'll be back, I guess."

"Can I come with?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I'm gonna go exploring on my own."

So yeah, there I was a few minutes later walking on the sandy shore, earphones blasting some Lana del Rey because I was in the mood for her songs. The beach was empty, but that was probably because this part was privately owned or something. I could see human figures somewhere farther away. It was a good thing, I guess. Less awkward human interaction to distract me.

It felt like some cliché scene from a movie but I didn't care. I like cliché. I mouthed the lyrics to some songs, maybe mumbled along a few words. I didn't have the best singing voice so I might as well not let anyone learn this little fact.

Every other song that played had been either by The 1975 or Arctic Monkeys. I had no idea how they ended up in my Lana playlist. Anyway, it was playing Blue Jeans when I felt an arm over my shoulder.

"Hey!" I complained as the earphone buds were taken out of my ears. "You ruined my moment." I admit I'm very pensive when listening to music that I end up creating my own drama inside my head.

Mark laughed. "What moment?"

I scowled, mumbling curses under my breath.

"Don't swear," he said, catching some words I muttered. "It's not attractive."

"Well, fuck. I guess I'm not attractive," I stated. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I volunteered to look for you. Err, BamBam wanted to but I beat him to it. We're going to the town," he told me. "Let's go."

I nodded and followed him. We met up with the others in the living room area of the beach house.

"You and Mark seem really close, Skye," Jackson teased and I flipped him the bird. He laughed, putting an arm over BamBam's shoulder. "Don't they look like a cute couple?"

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