"Done." Taehyung happily stood up and smiled at his creation. "I'll take it. Come out when you're done okay?" He took the tray in his hands and went out to the front of the cafe.

Jungkook was hearing faint voices talking in the main area. One was surely Mihyun as her voice was unmistakable. One was Jimin's. Another voice he heard was of a man's as he's laughing occasionally.

Right, just as I thought.

He peeked from the counter side and saw Taehyung patiently waiting for someone to drink his coffee and tell him how it was. Before anything was said, he came out of the counter and stood by the seat where Jimin is sitting.

"Umm...Taehyung-ah! This is awesome!" The man said and Mihyun started clapping like a baby along with Jimin. Taehyung threw his fist in the air like he's achieved something really special.

This man...

"I know right hyung?!" He raised his brows playfully.

"Now that you got Seokjin oppa's blessings, can I get a coffee too?" Mihyun asked. "Please?"

Kim Seokjin...

"Should I make you one?" Jungkook cut in and saw Mihyun visibly annoyed. He mentally laughed. Taunting this girl is much more fun than he had expected. But that's not the point, the point is to show himself and his presence.

"No thanks. I want only Tae's." She flipped her hair back and looked at the man who's smiling at them.

"Oh Hyung, meet Jungkook." Taehyung introduced. "He joined a few days ago." Then he turned to Jungkook. "And Jungkook, meet my hyung. Detective Kim Seokjin."

Detective Kim Seokjin from Busan...

Seokjin offered him a smile when he bowed a little. A polite smile taped on his expression. "Nice to meet you sir."

"What sir? You're making me feel old." Seokjin joked while waving at him dismissively. "Call me hyung. You look younger than my brother."

"He is." Taehyung ruffled his hair while he giggled softly. In the corner of his eye, he caught Mihyun staring.

Mihyun -from the very first day they had met- made him walk on eggshells around her. He could always feel her eyes boring at his back or simply making blunt remarks to suggest she didn't trust him at all. A complete opposite to Taehyung.

"Are you guys done?" Mihyun rolled her eyes. "How long will you make a customer wait Mr. Barista?"

"Your order coming right away ma'am." Taehyung bowed to her dramatically and went in with the tray. She rested her face on her palm to stare at his back.

Jungkook turned to the main attention of the day now. Seokjin was sipping on his cup peacefully, oblivious to what Jungkook's mind is playing.

"I've seen you somewhere hyung...maybe on TV?" He now started a conversion with Seokjin.

"Yeah? Of course how can anyone forget this face." He shook his head. "Maybe when I do press releases for the police department, yeah."

"I thought so too!" Jungkook nodded. "You're really cool hyung!" His smile brighter than ever.

He works on the cases that circulates on media, grabs attention on and off desks. Jungkook had the information clear in his head. Just like how Seokjin managed to find out his criminals, he found out about him through stakeouts.

"Don't you have work?"

Jungkook pressed his lips in a thin line and looked at Mihyun who's now giving him hints of pure annoyance. Her face looked like she'd burn him alive right there.

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