Chapter 2: Patrol

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After saying their goodbyes, Midoriya made his way back home. His stomach was in a knot from his mixed emotions of seeing his friends again. Would they accept him back into their friend group? Would he be able to talk to them without being weird? Would Kacchan even talk to him? Would they fight? Questions swirled around in his head as he made his way back into his apartment.

Throwing his keys on the counter he immediately walked into the kitchen and dug around in his alcohol cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, poured himself a shot and knocked it back. His nerves weren't any better than they were back in high school. Fucking pull yourself together Izuku, you've still got a whole week before you'll be seeing anyone. He talked to himself as he slipped off his clothes and into something more comfortable and immediately got in bed. I can't be distracted for work tomorrow, I have an early patrol shift, I need to be on top of my game. Midoriya pulled the blanket above his head and eventually fell asleep.

His alarm woke him up at 4am the next morning for his patrol shift at 5am. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up. He drug himself out of bed and Midoriya was already irritated as he ruffled through his drawers looking for his hero suit. He took a deep breath. I need to chill, I can't be strung up on stress before my patrol. Normally he wasn't this disorganized but with the added stress from the upcoming weekend he has forgotten to get his gear together before he fell asleep.

He finally found his suit, slipping it on over his leg and arm support systems. It was about time for new ones, maybe when he was back in town he could stop by Hatsume's for an upgrade. Midoriya made his way into the kitchen to make himself a quick cup of coffee before he had to leave. His phone buzzed reminding him of the time. Time to get going.

He set the remaining cup of coffee on the counter and headed to the window, opened it, stepped onto the fire escape stairs and closed the window behind him. Midoriya put his eye mask and metal face gear on and activated his quirk allowing him to float into the air. Time for patrol.

While on patrol, he was zoned out the entire time, half-ass watching the streets from above. He was one of the few in the area that are able to keep watch from the sky. Every once in a while he'd land in an alley and walk onto the main street to make his presence known. Although he has grown since high school he still had a small frame, he worked out in his free time but couldn't gain anymore muscle to help him look bigger. He didn't necessarily look intimidating to the average person because of his small frame. He often kept his blue lighting aurora buzzing around him, much like Endeavor does with his fire quirk to showcase power and intimidation.

He made his way to the outskirts of Kyoto getting deeper into the residential areas. Normally he wouldn't have come out this far but everyday hustle of the busy streets were starting to make his head hurt. After making his way down a few streets he stopped in front of a vending machine to buy something to drink. A sweet older neighbor lady came up behind him and offered to buy him his drink. He had politely declined the offer but she insisted because he had bothered to come out of the city to patrol their neighborhood. How could he say no now?

Midoriya deep bowed and thanked the woman and she had gone on her way. Sitting down on a curb off the main road he opened the cap to the water and took a drink. Today was going by slow, all he could think about was the upcoming weekend, and he hated it. He couldn't back out now, he already told Uraraka he'd come. It was also Todoroki's birthday, should he get him a gift, would it be weird if he did? Would it be weird if he didn't? He didn't show up for anyone else's birthday in the past, would they think Todoroki was his favorite? He laughed a little to himself thinking Kacchan would probably be pissed if Todoroki was his favorite.

He finished his drink and stood up, it was time to go to the Agency to finish some paperwork and fill out some reports. Once again he activated his float quirk and made his way to the Agency. By time he had gotten to the Agency his nerves had calmed down, he landed on the roof top and made his way into the building using the access door.

"Yo Deku! Why don't you ever just use the front door man?" Another pro-hero poked fun at him.

"You know it's easier going down stairs than up them Cannonball." Midoriya playfully chatted back.

"Easy patrol today?"

"Yeah did my rounds in the city and then made my way out to the Suburbs for a bit to take a breather, a nice older lady bought me some water."

"You know you're not suppose to be haggling the ladies Deku" Cannonball said jabbing his elbow into Midoriya's side.

Midoriya laughed, "You wish you were popular with the ladies Cannonball."

"Whatever! Just do your paperwork and go home" Cannonball pouted and they both laughed.

Midoriya finished his paperwork and started to head out, "Take it easy man, don't stay to late" he said across the room to Cannonball.

"See ya lady killer!" Cannonball laughed and gave him a wink.

Midoriya chuckled and shut the door behind him leading to the roof. He activated his quirk one last time for the day and headed home.

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