Chapter 22

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Meredith woke up early around 5 on her 22nd week of pregnancy feeling good. The baby was kicking like crazy. As she looked over at Derek laying peacefully asleep, she was overtaken by a surge of hormones.

She turned, her body facing Derek, and started pressing kisses along his jawline and neck. Derek moaned pleasurably in his sleep and sleepily opened his eyes. "Mm are you okay?" Derek asked. "Sex." Meredith mumbled. "What?" Derek asked amused, now fully awake.

"Sex." Mereditj said, more coherent. "Mer, you're barely awake." Derek said with a quiet chuckle. "I'm awake." She argued as she pressed her lips roughly against his. "I'm not gonna be able to go to sleep unless I get it." Meredith whined. "Okay." Derek replied, rolling on top of her, careful to not put much pressure on her baby bump. "Good morning." He growled against her lips.

The couple spent the morning the best way possible, and then went back to sleep for an hour before work.

They got up around 6 when Bailey started wailing. Derek got up and got Zola ready while Meredith got Bailey ready. "You ready Bails?" Meredith asked enthusiastically as she pulled on her sons tiny pants. "Ready mama!" Bailey said as his small weight ran into Meredith, who was kneeling on her knees. "Baby sister." Bailey said as he gently Pat her belly. Meredith smiled and hugged her boy close while he rested his head on her shoulder before walking downstairs together.

Meanwhile, Derek and Zola were picking out what outfit she wanted to wear. "This one!" Zola said as she pointed to a pair of leggings and a sparkly princess shirt. "Sounds good zo!" Derek said with a smile as he helped dress her. "Where's mama?" Zola asked. "She's getting your brother ready." Derek replied. "When my baby sister comin?" Zola asked as she looked up to her father.

"A few months Zo." Derek replied. "So long." Zola poured dramatically. She may not be merediths biological kid, but she was so like Meredith in so many different ways. "Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast." Derek said as he picked Zola up.

They met in the kitchen together and made themselves some breakfast. "Good morning." Derek said quietly as the kids ate togetehr and he went to Meredith. Putting his hands on her waist, he caressed her bump and smiled at her. "Anything good today?" He asked. "Just a gallbladder removal at 8." Mereditj shrugged. "I'll be there in the gallery." Derek said with a smile. Meredith nodded and kissed him.

They got to the hospital a little while later and parted ways. Meredith was going to sit down to do some charting, but her pager thought otherwise. 911 to the pit. She sighed and hurried as fast as her pregnant body could go.

"What do we got?" Meredith asked as she entered the trauma room. "34 year woman, t-boned at an intersection. Pulse is sky high and BP is high." Owen said. "I-is my baby okay?" The woman asked, terrified. Meredith stepped back and took a deep breath. "You can go if you need Mer." Alex said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm fine. Let's get OB here now." Meredith called out as she shook out the fear of what could have been.

Derek got paged down to the trauma bay and was informed about the patient. He looked at Meredith and could see the hesitance in her eyes. "You can sit this one out if you need." He said softly. "I know. I'm okay." She replied. "She needs surgery ASAP. This baby is coming out now." Bailey announced.

They got to surgery and quickly delivered the premature baby. "It's a boy." The OB announced. The baby was 30 weeks, so he had a high chance of survival with a little time in the NICU.

As Meredith and Bailey were fixing up her abdomen and Derek was working on the brain bleed, Meredith stepped back after feeling a strong kick. "Everything okay Grey?" Bailey asked. "Our daughter is going to be a soccer player." She joked as she stepped back up to the table, looking at Derek. Derek smiled through his mask.

After surgery, Derek and Meredith met outside at the nurses station. "I'm assuming your gall bladder got rescheduled?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded. "Derek." She said. He looked up and made a confused expression. Meredith grabbed his hand and placed it right below her belly button and smirked. Derek gasped as he felt their daughter kick. "She is going to be a soccer player!! Wow!" Derek exclaimed.

The nurses had been watching the happy couple interact ever since Merediths accident, and it made them happy to know that they had gotten on the right track again. They actually made bets on when the divorce would come when he went to DC, which was awful, they know.

After a few more consults and stitches, Meredith and Derek picked up the kids and finally went home after a long day. "Hey." Meredith said to her kids as the sat down on the couch together. "Mama." They both said at the same time as they each snuggled into their mother. Meredith held her kids close and sighed in relief. She wished she had this as a kid.

"How was your day?" Meredith asked the kids as Derek walked in the room and sat down. Zola scurried next to him. "It was good. Ben asked me to be his valentime." Zola said. "He what?" Derek exclaimed in shock. "I saided yes." She said with a giggle. Derek scoffed, upset that his little girl was growing up, even if she was only barely 4 years old. Meredith put his hand on her bump  and calmed him down.

That night, they all cuddled on the couch, watching movies until they fell asleep. Derek ended up carrying both 2 kids up to bed, and Meredith up to bed.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!! ❤️❤️

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