Chapter 10

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A few days later, Meredith sats were slightly better, but she still hadn't woken up. To be precise, it had been a week and 3 days since the rebleed, and it was getting quite concerning that she wasn't waking up.

Bailey entered Merediths room and was pleased when she saw no one in there. She got close to the bed and grabbed her limp hand in hers. "Listen close Grey. I have 5 interns. 1 of them died, 1 of them had cancer and left, and 1 of them left. You and Alex are the only ones left. I've watched you grow from a scrawny little intern who fell in love with an attending to a badass general attending with 2 kids and a husband. I know you were worried about being compared to your mother and being a bad mother, but you are not. You love those kids more than anything, and it's not hard to see. And you are not compared to your mother. You made your Own name, and now people want the great Meredith Grey operating on them. Please, you have to wake up. Don't let Nelson's dumb mistake kill you, you've survived worse than that. Derek needs you, your kids need you, hell, even I need you." Bailey said. "So please, wake up because if you don't I will kick your ass so hard until you do wake up." Bailey added sternly as she looked at her broken co worker.

Bailey was about to leave when she felt a slight movement under her hand. She thought it was just her, but then when it happened again, she gasped and pressed the call button.

The doctors and Derek outside the room raced in, expecting the worst. "What's going on?" Owen asked as he came in. "I-I think she's waking up." Bailey said, shocked. "She moved her fingers." Bailey added. "Reslly?" Derek asked, his voice full of hope. "I think so." Bailey confirmed. Amelia ran a quick neuro check and everything came out good.

Derek grabbed her and whispered. "Mer, take your time. You got it." He felt a movement under his fingers too. "Did you see that?" Derek asked. "Yes!" Richard and Maggie exclaimed. "Okay. Hopefully she will wake up by the end of the day. Give her time." Owen said. Derek nodded.

Everyone left the room except Derek and gathered outside. "What did you say to her Bailey?" Richard asked. "I said I would kick her ass so hard until she woke up." Bailey said with a small chuckle. "Dereks gonna be in there all day. Who has the kids tonight?" Addison asked. "Uh, I think Jo and I do." Alex replied. She nodded and looked back at the room. "Where's Nelson?" Amelia asked. "I don't know. He's banned from all OR's, and I doubt he's even here. I'm waiting to hear back from HR to fire him. Derek wants to sue him, too." Richard replied. "He should have his damn medical license revoked." Jackson muttered. "Agreed." Alex said.

Derek sat by Meredith and kept talking to her. "You got this mer. I know you do. I love you so much." He said as he felt another twitch under his hand. "Take your time Meredith. I'm not leaving." He said softly. He desperately wanted her to open her eyes and reveal those big green orbs, but he would wait as long as it takes.

"Anything yet?" Addison asked as he came into the room. "She's moved her hand a few more times." Derek said, not tearing his gaze away from Meredith. "Derek, this is good. She'll probably wake up tonight." Addison reassured. "I know." Derek replied softly. Addison placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly before leaving the room.

"Uncle Alex? Where's my mama?" Zola asked when him and Jo were in the car bringing her and Bailey home for the night. "Uh, your mama is a little sick Zo. She's getting better though." Alex replied. "Miss my mama." Bailey said. "Me too." Zola added. "I know you do guys." Alex sighed. "Jo?" Zola asked. "Yeah zo?" She replied. "Can you read 'goodnight moon' to me and Bails tonight? Mama always used to read it to us." Zola asked. "Of course Zo." Jo replied with a smile. "Thank you." Zola said. Jo nodded and they continued on home.

Back at the hospital, everyone knew about Meredith. That meant that everyone who was friends with Meredith, were up on the PACU floor waiting for her to wake up. In the room, Derek, Amelia, Owen, Richard, Bailey, Cristina, Addison, Teddy, Jackson, April, Callie, and Arizona all sat vigil, waiting for her to wake up.

Derek held her hand and kept kissing her lightly and whispering.

At one point, Meredith moved her entire left arm, and moved it on top of her chest. "I think she'll be up soon." Owen said. everyone sighed in relief.

"Remember that time, in her intern year when she was drunk and had to get a banana bag, and she tried to insist that she was sober?" Bailey asked lightly. Everyone laughed and smiled at the memory. "And remember when we were at joes, and she pounded tequila like it was nothing?" Cristina asked. Derek sighed. "I can't remember the last time she drank tequila." He said honestly. "Really? Grey?" Addison asked with a chuckle. "Seriously. I don't even know if we have it in the house. After we put the kids to bed we sit on the couch with a bottle of wine and watch her moms old surgery tapes." Derek said with a smile. "What an old couple you two have become." Richard said lightly.

They reminisced about the old times when Meredith groaned. Her eyes weren't open, but she was almost awake. "Mer? It's me, Derek. Take your time. You're okay." He said softly. Meredith, who still had her eyes closed, slowly and shakily lifted up her good hand and placed it on dereks. Derek squeezed softly and smiled. "That's it Mer. Take your time." He said.

Merediths whole Body hurt. Especially her head. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. "Welcome back." Derek said. She tried to smile but started choking when she noticed the tube. "It's okay. We're gonna get it out Grey." Bailey said. Meredith tried to comprehend the words, and she did, but it was difficult for her. "Cough." Bailey instructed. It took Meredith a minute, but she let out a cough and the tube flew out.

"That's it. You're okay." Derek murmered as he rubbed her back until she stopped coughing. Meredith winced and brought her good hand up to her head. She moaned and closed her eyes tightly. "Mer? I know it hurts but I need you to say something." Amelia tried. Nothing. "Mer, please open your eyes and say something." Derek said. Meredith slowly opened up her eyes again and looked at him. "O-ouch." She stammered. Derek smiled lightly and kissed her forehead. Meredith closed her eyes once again and went back to sleep.

"Let's let her sleep for a while. She's probably going to be in a lot of pain when she wakes up. And we need to do a CT and a neuro exam when she does." Owen instructed. "I don't think we're leaving tonight, chief." Bailey said. "Okay. I'm not either. Everyone try to get some sleep please." Owen said as he left the room and entered and on call room.

Everyone else sat scattered around the room. On the couch, chairs, some even sat on the floor. But they would wait all night until they really made sure Meredith was okay. Derek was so relieved. He actually slept well that night in the room.

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