Chapter 12

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Meredith woke up with a throb in her head, pain radiating up and down her leg, and a pain in her chest due to her broken sternum. She gently shook Derek awake the best she could and he woke with a jolt. "What is it?" Derek asked. "Need...drugs." Meredith whined as tears brimmed her eyes. Derek reached over for the chart and skimmed through it to see when her last dose was.

"You'll get some more during rounds in a few minutes. Just relax for a while." Derek said as he held her close. Meredith wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled herself closer to him. Merediths quiet whimpers broke dereks heart. "You're okay. You'll get more pain meds soon. You're alright." He whispered into her hair.

Bailey, Amelia, Callie, Teddy, Richard, Cristina and Alex all came in for rounds. Hearing Merediths soft cries, Bailey have a skeptical look towards Derek. "Is she okay?" Bailey asked. "Her pain meds are wearing off. She needs a new dose." Derek explained as he looked down at his wife. "Meredith, can you sit up for me?" Bailey asked softly. "Noooo." Meredith cried as she tried to snuggle closer to Derek.

Derek knew she must really be hurting if she didn't listen to her former superior. She started sobbing harder into his chest and Derek tried to soothe her.

"Meredith, we can't give you more pain meds until we check you out." Amelia said softly. Meredith turned slightly but did not release her hold on derek. "Mer, can you sit up please?" Derek asked. Meredith grimaced as she used his hand for leverage. Derek sat on the side of the bed and helped hold her up. "Thanks Mer. Now we're just gonna do a few more tests and checkups to make sure everything's going well." Amelia said.

Everything was going well until Teddy had to check her sternum. "Grey, I have to palpate again. It's probably going to hurt, but not as bad as last time. Then you'll get your meds." Teddy said. Meredith nodded and laid back with dereks help. Teddy lifted up Merediths shirt and gently pressed her hands into her chest. Meredith squirmed in pain and tears streamed down her face. Meredith tried to push her hands away and turned her body away, but that hurt more.

To see Meredith in this much pain, it broke dereks heart. He hated seeing her in pain, whether it was a paper cut to being in labor, he hated it. Meredith started full force sobbing and Teddy pulled her hands away. They were all concerned, Meredith never usually cried or showed her emotions. "Okay Grey. We're gonna give you medication now. Sorry for the wait." Richard said. He pushed it into the iv and the relief was evident on her face. Meredith stopped crying and soon fell asleep.

Derek and the doctors left the room and met outside the room. "I've never seen Grey that upset before." Bailey said. Cristina snorted and laughed. "You clearly haven't seen her when she was all dark and twisty." She snickered. Bailey rolled her eyes and smacked her arm. "She must've been in a lot of pain." Teddy said. "I've never seen her in that much pain to be honest. After she had Bailey, the c section, it hurt but she didn't really cry about it." Derek admitted. "Well, she's been through a lot. Her body is still recuperating." Richard said.

"Who said something about a c section?" Addison asked as she came up. "We were just talking about how Meredith wasn't in too much pain after the c section but she was in a lot this morning." Alex offered. "Ah. Greys a tough woman. She'll be alright." Addison said. "Where have you been?" Callie asked. "I had a few deliveries to do myself." Addison replied. "How is Grey?" She asked. "She's good. Vitals are good, everything looks good. We gave her more pain meds so she'll probably be feeling good when she wakes up." Bailey replied.

Meredith woke up feeling 10x better than she did this morning. "Hiiii." She said happily as she looked at Derek. "Well looks who's up sleeping beauty." Derek said as he flashed a smile. "How you feeling?" Derek asked. "I feel....grrrreattttt." Meredith explained. "Good." Derek said. "Can we...have sex?" Meredith blurted. "What?" Derek asked, not knowing if he heard right. "Can we" Meredith repeated, getting impatient. "Mer, we're in the hospital, remember?" He asked, trying to stifle a laugh. "Ughhh." Meredith pouted. "Sorry Mer. Doctors orders." Derek said. She was so high. He doubted she'll even remember this conversation.

"I am a cat." Meredith said. "Are you?" Derek asked amused. "I am." Meredith said proudly. "That's great Mer." Derek said, laughing. "Why are you laughing?" Meredith asked. "You're a little high right now, honey." Derek said. "I am not. I feel fine!" Meredith exclaimed. "I can't wait to tell the kids this story." Derek said more to himself. "I am not high!" Meredith insisted. "Okay. Sorry." Derek said as he put his hands up in surrender. "Thank you." Meredith scoffed with a small smile. She used her uncasted arm to smack his shoulder lightly and he smiled.

Merediths eyes drooped closed against and she fought to stay wake. "It's okay Mer. Get some sleep. I'll be here." Derek assured. Meredith nodded and let herself succumb to sleep.

While Meredith slept, Derek went to go get the kids. "Daddy, can we see mommy? Is she better?" Zola asked. "She is better. Want to go see if she's up?" Derek asked. "Yeah!!" Bailey and Zola exclaimed. He picked both of the kids up and walked to Merediths room.

"Looks like mommy is waking up now. Let's go in." Derek said. He and the kids walked into the room and he sat them down on the couch.

"Mer." He said as he stroked her forehead lightly. She stirred again and slowly opened her eyes. "Hi." She whispered. "Hi. You have some visitors." Derek said as he moved out of the way and revealed the kids on the couch. "Hi mama!" Bailey and Zola exclaimed. "Hi guys!" Meredith exclaimed. Her head hurt a bit, as did her chest, but she was happy to see her babies. "Are you still sick?" Zola asked. "No, Zo. I'm all good." Meredith said.  "Yay!" The kids cheered. "We drawed some pictures for you at daycare." Bailey said as Derek handed her some cards and pictures.

"Thank you Bails! Thanks Zo!" Meredith exclaimed. Derek lifted both kids on to the bed and Meredith hugged them as best as she could.

They talked for a while until Merediths was falling asleep again. "Okay guys. You're gonna hang out with Auntie Cristina today." Derek said. "Bye mama! Love you." The kids said. "I love you both too." Meredith said.

The kids went with Cristina and Derek climbed into bed with Meredith just as he did this morning.

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