Chapter 11

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Meredith woke up the next morning in a lot of pain. She opened her eyes and saw everyone sleeping, a scattered around the room.

She moaned in pain as she tried to wake someone. "Mer? What is it? Are you okay?" Derek asked. "Head...hurts." She mumbled as tears came to her eyes. "Okay. I'll wake the others up." Derek said softly as he nudged everyone awake.

"Meredith, how are you feeling?" Amelia asked. "Head...pounding. Hurts." Meredith said slowly, as if she was making sure the words made sense. "We will give you some pain meds soon. I'm gonna check your pupils now, okay?" Amelia asked. Meredith nodded and winced as she shined the bright light. Amelia sighed in relief when Merediths pupils reacted. "All good. Can you move your fingers for me?" Amelia asked. Meredith slowly comprehended what she asked and did so. "Nicely done. Now, I'm gonna say three words. Try to remember them because I'm gonna ask you to recite them a little later. Ready? Dog, spoon, car." Amelia said.

Meredith nodded and recited those words over and over again in her head. "Grey, we're gonna check your incision now." Bailey said as she lifted up Merediths gown and examined the wound. After a minute, she concluded that everytbing looks good. "I want a CT to check your leg and wrist, and I think Amelia wants one too for your head, so we will do that soon." Callie said.

Meredith nodded. "What....happened?" She asked. "You don't remember?" Derek asked worriedly. "Last thing...I you guys...doing rounds...few days ago." Meredith said slowly. Derek sighed in relief that her memory was okay. "Uh, Amelia was out sick one day." Derek explained, letting the words sink in. "So Nelson took over. He was supposed to take your for a CT, but he didn't." Derek said, clearly seething with anger. "You had a big rebleed. Ortiz fixed it, and you've been out for a little over a week." Derek finished. "Woah." Meredith said as she took in the information.

"Am I...okay?" Meredith asked. Derek looked up at her doctors who all nodded. "You're okay." Derek confirmed as he kissed her lips. "Kids?" Meredith asked sleepily. "They're all good. They're with Alex and Jo." Derek said. "Okay...tell them...I love...them." Meredith said as she yawned and winced at the same time. "I'm gonna give you some pain meds now." Owen said as he pushed some medication into her IV. Meredith sighed as her eyes closed and she fell back asleep.

"Thank you guys. So much. For saving her." Derek said honestly. "Grey is one of our own, Derek." Owen said. "Those pain meds will probably knock her out for a while. Why don't you go get some rest or see the kids or maybe eat something?" Addison suggested. "But-." Derek argued. "She's right Shepherd. Go eat or sleep. Or maybe shower." Bailey said. "We'll take her for a CT and watch her." Cristina said. Derek sighed and trudged off to the cafeteria.

Amelia, Callie, Bailey, and Richard all took a sleeping Meredith down for a CT and loaded her in. "Thank god she's okay." Amelia said as they got into the scan room. "I know." Bailey said as the scans came up. "Her abdomen is fine, it's been fine for a while I just wanted to check." Richard said. "Her leg and wrist look okay, I'll keep her in a cast for both for at least 2 more weeks. The pins in her leg will definetely not feel good and she'll have to go through some serious PT." Callie said. "Okay. And the head..." Amelia said as she examined the scan. "No signs of rebleed. Her neuro exam came back clean." Amelia said in relief. "I want to keep monitoring her though, so I don't want her out of here for at least another week and a half." Amelia said. "That sounds good. Let's take her back." Bailey said. They rolled Meredith back to her room and got her settled in.

3 hours later, a clean, eaten, and well rested Derek came back into Merediths room and smiled when he saw her awake. "Hey." He said softly as he kissed her forehead. "Hi." She replied with a smile. "How you feelin?" He asked as he grabbed her small hand in his. "Drugged." Meredith said with a small laugh. "Oh really?" Derek asked as he kissed her forehead once again. "Mmhmm." Meredith mumbled. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." Derek replied.

"You're the life of my life. I love you soooooo much." Meredith said happily. Derek smiled at her relaxed mood. "I love you too Mer." Derek repeated with a big smile. "You're so dreamy." She said. "You're pretty dreamy too, Mer." Derek replied. "Lay with me?" Meredith asked. Even in her drugged state, the comfort of being in her husbands arms never failed to please her. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Derek said. "Pleaseeee." Meredith moaned. Derek nodded and put the bed rail down and climbed in beside her. Meredith slowly placed her bandaged head on his chest. Derek wrapped an arm around her back and held her close. "Sleep Mer. I'm not going anywhere." He reassured. Meredith sighed and quickly fell asleep.

"Hey." Addison said as she came into the room. "Shhh." Derek said quietly. "Oh, sorry!" Addison exclaimed. "How is she?" Addison asked. "She's good. Her CT came back clean, Amelia wants her in for at least another week and a half to monitor her and Callie said she wants the casts on for at least another two weeks, so it works out well." Derek exclaimed. "That's good." Addison said.

Derek opened his mouth to say something when mereditj started whimpering in her sleep. Derek looked at Addison confused ly and looked back at Meredith. "Mer. Wake up." He whispered. Meredith whimpered louder and started moving around slightly. "Meredith. Wake up. You're just having a nightmare. It's okay." Derek said a little louder. Merediths eyes shot open and she looked around, grimacing at the pain in her head of moving around. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here." Derek said as he guided her head back down on his chest.

Meredith started crying softly into his chest and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Derek rubbed her back soothingly and kissed her bandaged head. "It's okay. I'm here. You're okay." He murmured. Merediths sobs turned into sniffles and then nothing.

"What was that?" Addison asked, who viewed the whole thing. "I don't know. She's had nightmares before, but usually their about different things." Derek said, obviously concerned. "Talk to her about it in the morning. Get some sleep now. I'll see you tomorrow." Addison said as she left.

Derek closed his eyes and also fell asleep, holding Meredith protectively in his arms.

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