Chapter 20

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Meredith was nearly 16 weeks pregnant. Her and Derek had work today, so in the morning, they rallied the kids up and went to the hospital.

After dropping the kids off at daycare, Meredith and Derek met at the nurses station. "How you feeling?" Derek asked as he caressed her small baby bump. "Good." Meredith said happily as she pressed a kiss to his lips. They usually never did PDAs in the hospital, but Meredith couldn't refrain today. She was so happy.

"I love you." Derek said. "I love you too." Meredith replied as their pages went off. "Room 2002?" Meredith asked in confusion. Derek nodded. "Wonder why." He muttered as he placed his hand on the small of her back and led her to the room.

"Amelia?" Derek asked as he saw his sister in with a patient. "Dr Shepherd, dr Grey!" The patient exclaimed happily. The two of them looked over in shock at their old patient, Beth Monroe. "Hey!" Meredith said with a smile. "How are you?" She asked. "Well my tumor is probably back but other than that I'm good. How about you?" Beth asked with a smile.

"Uh, good. Really good." Meredith said with a smile as she looked at Derek. "How about you Dr Shepherd? God, it's been so long!" Beth exclaimed. "Perfect." He said softly.

A few minutes later, they got into the personal stuff. "So you two got married?" Beth asked excitedly. "Almost 6 years." Derek replied with a smile. "And your having a baby!" She exclaimed. "Our 3rd. This is Zola, she's almost 4, we adopted her from Malawi." Meredith said as she pulled up a picture of her on her ohone. "This is Bailey, and he just turned 2." She added and she swiped to a picture of him.

"Wow! Bailey looks just like you!" Beth said as she noticed the striking resemblance between the mother and son. "He's a total mamas boy. And zo is a daddy's girl." Derek chuckled. "What about you? How's your life?" He asked.

"My husband should be here soon. His name is Henry. We've been married for 4 years now." Beth said. Meredith and Derek could practically feel the happiness coming from Beth. "That's awesome." Meredith said genuinely.

After Meredith and Derek left the room, they got some lunch together. "I can't believe it's been that long." Meredith said. "Hmm....almost 7 years." Derek said as he put his hand on hers. "Shes come so far." Mereditj said. "She has." Derek agreed. "Can you remember the times were we had 'breakup sex'?" Meredith asked with a chuckle. "That was some good sex. Now it's even better because we're married." Derek said as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

Meredith accepted the kiss immediately, her hormones surging. "I need you." She whispered. "Hormones?" Derek asked as he tried to control himself in the middle of the cafeteria. Meredith nodded. "On call room. Now." She demanded. Derek nodded and they both stood up, throwing away their half eaten food and quickly walking to the on call room. 

An hour later, Meredith and Derek dropped on the bed in exhaustion. "Damn." Derek said in happiness. "I love you so much." He said as he kissed her head that was resting comfortably on his bare chest. "I love you too." Mereditj replied sleepily. Derek rubbed her back soothingly, knowing she was tired, not just from the sex but from being pregnant.

"Get some sleep. I'll be here." He said softly. Meredith nodded and nuzzled into his chest, gently grasping on to his hand. Holding on to each other while they slept was a comfort thing, more so for Meredith. It reassured her that he wasn't going to leave, not now, not ever. And Derek was happy to do it.

A few hours later, Amelia paged the two to come back for Beth's surgery, but was concerned when they never came. "Bailey, you know where Mer or Derek is?" Amelia asked. "No. Why?" Bailey asked. "I paged them a while ago but they never came." Amelia replied.

"Let's look. I'm sure their in here somewhere." Bailey said.

Amelia and Bailey checked a ton of rooms, finally entering the one on call room. Bailey and Amelia stepped in, seeing Derek and Meredith thankfully fully clothed and asleep in each other's arms. Dereks hand was resting protectively on her small baby bump, and they looked so peaceful.

For a moment Bailey went soft and admired the couple. "Let's leave them." Amelia said quietly as they exited the room.

An hour later, Meredith woke up in the comfort of dereks arms. Meredith felts Derek breath tinkle her neck and smiled. The smile then faded when she had the urge to pee. She gently tried to remove dereks arm off of her to get up but Derek wasn't having it.

"Derek." She whispered. Derek groaned. "Derek move." She said louder. "Whaaa?" He mumbled. "I really have to pee." Meredith whispered. Derek smiled sleepily at his wife's adorable pregnancy urges and removed his arm. "I'll be up in a minute." He said softly. Meredith nodded and hurried to the bathroom to relieve her bladder.

Meredith and Derek met with Amelia again, just in time for Beth's surgery. "How was your nap?" She asked. "It was great. Wait- how'd you know that?" Derek asked. Amelia chuckled as the 3 surgeons scrubbed in. Meredith may have been a general surgeon, but she was one of the ones who saved Beth's life, so Amelia was happy to just observe Meredith and Derek.

They got into the OR and Mer and Derek stepped up to the table and were handed the virus. "Ready?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded and started injecting. "Slow. Slow down. Easy." Derek said. Meredith slowed down the injection and looked Derek straight in the eyes.

She could still see that sparkle she saw years ago. He could see still that sparkle he saw years ago.

Amelia watched in awe of the duo, admiring how easily they worked together. There was so much trust, so much love present. It was truly a sight to see.

Time has no meaning in the OR.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!!! I thought it was cute. ❤️❤️

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