Chapter 7

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During the next few days, everything was normal and Meredith was recovering nicely and Derek was there at her side every second.

One day, Amelia took a sick day. She must've contracted the flu from the kids at the hospital. Meredith was sitting in her bed when everyone began rounds. "Incision looks good. We took the stitches out yesterday, so that looks good." Bailey said. "You're sternum is healing nicely. Is the pain getting any better?" Teddy asked. "Uh..slowly." Meredith replied. She felt funny today, but she assumed it was just the drugs. "Nelson?" Richard asked. Nelson was Amelias replacement today. "Oh, uh, yeah...everything looks good." Nelson said, not even checking Meredith. "You're sure?" Derek asked. "Yes Shepherd, I'm sure." Nelson snapped. Derek furrowed his brow and looked back at his wife. "Nelson, I want you to get her a CT again, to make sure there's no rebleeds or anything." Owen said. "And I want to check the breaks and see if we can get those casts off." Callie added. Nelson grumbled and left the room.

"What's his problem?" Bailey asked as she and her friends left the room. "No idea." Teddy replied.

"How...are" Meredith asked. Merediths speech was much slower than it had been previously, but it seemed like Meredith only noticed it. "They're good. Hey Mer, I got to do a few surgeries today. Amy is out and they're short on neurosurgeons." Derek said. "Thats...okay." Meredith said with a smile. Derek opened his mouth to say soemtning when his pager cut him off. "Crap. I gotta go Mer. You sure you're okay?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded as Derek pecked her lips and left.

Nelson didn't want to be a neurosurgeon anymore. He hated his job, and couldn't care less about his patients. Even though this was Meredith Grey, who was the chief of General, owned part of the hospital, and was Derek shepherds wife, he still didn't care.

Dr Hunt told him to get a CT, but his stomach was rumbling. He figured the CT could wait until later and went to the cafeteria to eat some lunch. Little did he know that he would regret doing this much later.

Callie Torres went in to Merediths room around 10am, expecting to see her ortho scans. She frowned when she didn't see the scans. "Grey? Did you go for a CT?" Callie asked as she looked at Meredith. Merediths gaze was far off, staring somewhere. "Grey?" Callie repeated as she walked over. Meredith looked at her, her eyes glassy and confused. "Grey? Can you hear me?" Callie asked. Meredith just looked at her. She pressed the call button and took out her penlight. She shined the light In her eyes only to find that her left eye wasn't responding. She pressed the call button again franctislly. "Grey? Say something. It's me, Callie." She said loudly. "What's....wrong wif me?" Meredith slurred as her eyes rolled back into her head and she started shaking violently on the bed.

Callie rolled her into her side and let her ride out the seizure as the rest of Merediths doctors, except Nelson came In. "Left pupil isn't responding. I think she has a brain bleed." Callie said. "What the hell happened? Why didn't Nelson see this on the scan?" Owen yelled. "He didn't get one!" Callie exclaimed. "Okay. We need to get her to surgery now. Page a fellow. Ortiz. She's the best, and Derek can't do this and I will not be having Nelson." Owen ordered.

They disconnected Meredith from her IV and started wheeling her out. They ran down the halls and quickly put her into an OR, where Ortiz was already scrubbing in. Ortiz quickly opened up Merediths head and saw a massive bleed on the left side of her head. "Damn. I need suction!" Ortiz yelled. Owen quickly brought the suction and used it. "How did we not see this?" Bailey asked. "Nelson should've gotten the damn CT." Richard grumbled. "You almost done Ortiz?" Bailey asked worriedly. "Almost done." She confirmed. "Who's gonna tell Derek?" Bailey whispered. "I will." Richard said back as he left the OR. Ortiz finished up and Meredith went back to the PACU.

"Derek." Richard said as he entered the OR he was operating in. "Dr Webber. What do you need?" Derek asked. "I've paged Ortiz to take over for you. Come with me please." Richard asked. "What? Why? You can't take away my surgeries." Derek said. "Derek." Richard said sternly. Derek looked the man in his eyes and he could see the worry and he immediately knew it was Meredith. He put his tools down and left the OR.

"What happened?" Derek asked. "Derek." Richard said as he pulled Derek into an empty room. "Richard, please." Derek begged. "Meredith strikes a rebleed. It's bad. She's back in the PACU." Richard informed. Dereks eyes went wide and he left the room and ran to the PACU.

"Where is she?" Derek yelled as he got there. "Room 105, dr Shepherd." A nurse replied. Derek ran there and his heart broke once again when he saw Meredith intubated and her head wrapped. "What the hell happened?" He asked to Merediths doctors and Cristina and Alex, his voice shaky. "Nelson didn't do a CT." Owen said angrily. "Didnt you ask him to this morning?" Derek asked. "I did." Owen confirmed.

"I'm here! I'm here! What the hell happened?" Nelson asked as he ran up to Merediths room. Derek turned around angrily and swung his fist into his face, knocking him out flat. Nelson fell to the floor, and as Derek was about to throw another punch, Richard and Owen pulled him off. "Derek! Stop!" They yelled. Derek was pulled off of him and Derek slid on the wall down to the ground, sobs wreaking his body. Cristina sat down next to him and put her hand on his forearm, tears sliding down her face as well.

Dr Nelson was brought to a room, and only had a concussion, much to dereks dismay. That bastard may have costed him his wife. He sat in Merediths room, waiting, staring at his battered wife. "Ortiz? Is she gonna wake up?" Derek asked quietly. "Dr Shepherd, I repaired the bleed, but I think this has been going on for probably 2 days. You know the damage that could happen. Could be paralysis on the left side of her body, numbness every so often. I stopped the bleeding in less than an hour, so that's good." Ortiz said. Derek nodded numbly.

That night, Derek, Cristina, Alex, Bailey, Richard, and Owen all day in her room, waiting for a sign of life. Meredith was not breathing on her own, and that wasn't a good sign.

Then she coded.

Thanks to @merlucastan for the idea this chapter!

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