Part 28

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Ellies POV:

At this point everybody was wasted and nobody was thinking straight, most of the couples had left and went home so they wouldn't do anything stupid. Basically Nai's apartment was full of depressed and lonely singles, I was sitting on the couch staring into my cup as the music played around us. Will had his arm over my shoulder and was tapping his fingers to the rhythm of the beat.

"too bad we can't head out" he sighed while taking another drink, I scanned the room looking for anyone to start a conversation with but Vinnie caught my eyes.

"I've already embarrassed myself enough tonight" I groaned when I noticed he was trying to make his way over, after a few stops trying to regain balance he finally made it.

"so, you two are back together?" he slurred and I nodded.

"got an issue?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"nope" he popped and p and I rolled my eyes.

"then why are you here?" he shrugged.

"I can't see my ex?"

"not when we're on terms like this" I gave him a fake smile.

"look, can we at least talk about this? you just stormed out on me!"

"I was told you cheated on me by your friend!" I stood up and stomped my foot.

"look, I'm not in the right mindset to talk about anything serious. why don't we do something stupid like before? we can fight about it tomorrow?"

"I'm dating somebody! I would never cheat on them" I whispered the last part and he rolled his eyes.

"I know its fake, look just us. like old times?" I thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"fine. only once though, and when we're sober we have to talk about it?" he nodded while taking my hand.

"one last time" he pulled me toward my bedroom.

A/N: bros, we boutta wrap this up

im very srry

but im thinking one or two more ;(

its been a rlly fun run !!



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