Part 22

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yes, I'm back I also haven't brainstormed shit for this book but whatever ig.

Ellie's POV:

I really wanted to call Vinnie when I watched his livestream, something about all the comments saying they wanted him got me jealous in a way. Yeah I know they're just a bunch of 13 year old girls but..ugh I can't even explain it.

"hey whats up?" 

"it's so stupid but I just wanted to make sure you still like me" I heard him laughing on the other side of the phone and my expression went from worried to annoyed.

"I fuking hate you Vinnie" I smiled.

"well than I guess I do too, no but actually whats up?"

"I'm jealous of the thirteen year old girls in your live videos" I sighed, I heard movement on his side.


"yeah sure" I ended the call and he facetimed me.

"you're so stupid, I couldn't even date a thirteen year old" he rolled his eyes jokingly "hey, on another note have you told Sam about LA?"

"uh there may be something you wanna know about Sam" my lips pressed together as he just stared at me.

"what? what should I know that I don't?"

"I don't know if I can tell you..."

"please?" I yelled Sam's name and she came into my room with her boyfriend, I muted my mic and Vinnie started yelling over the phone.

"you haven't told your brother about him?" she shook her head.

"would he even care though? he's never been really protective" she looked out my window while shrugging.

"I think you should just tell him, I'm on call with him right now" 

"no shit, he's yelling like he's seven" I smiled before handing her my phone and unmuting the mic.

"I'll leave and let you guys have some privacy" I stood up and walked into the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips. I sat there and just thought of everything that had happened the past week, I regretted not doing more with Vinnie. We mostly just stayed inside not wanting to go out and be swarmed with his fans. After a few minutes of sitting there Sam walked out and handed me my phone smiling.

"everything go okay?" I asked and she nodded, I went back into my room and layed on my bed.

"so" Vinnie said playing with his hair.

"you gotta go do something?" and he nodded with a small frown.

"I feel really bad, but everyone's yelling for me to come downstairs"

"that's fine Vinnie, we have to get used to the part that we don't live together anymore"

"how long till you move?"

"I still need to buy a place!" I smiled.

"no cuz you're coming to live with me until you do"

"there's like 30 people in that house, I am not staying in a room with you"

"why not?" he whined.

"because I want my own room where I have a place to get away from you." 

"any other requests princess" he rolled his eyes.

"actually yes" I squinted my eyes at him and he smiled.

"okay I actually have to go now, bye I'll talk to you later okay?" I nodded as he kept smiling, we ended the call and I decided to text Alex since I still had his contact.

Alex :p

El :)

hey alex i was just wondering if u 
guys have any spare rooms that
 i could 
stay in until i find a place?

Alex :p
hey, yeah i would need to check with thomas 
but i didn't know u were back in cali!?

El :)
im actually still in ny
 but i was planning on moving back just to be closer to everyone,
plus i don't know if vinnie told u but im pregnant lol

Alex :p
no he hasnt which isn't rlly surprising cuz
he barely tells us anything about u

El :)
but anyways thanks for helping me out!

Alex :p
when i ask thomas ill text u back

El :)
thank u

I put my phone away and couldn't stop smiling, I didn't expect Alex to answer that fast and knowing that Vinnie didn't tell anyone about the pregnancy helped a lot.

A/N: ew the last line was hard to write el o el
anyways this is rlly long for u guys so i wont feel bad about not posting :v
have a good day/night and stay safe !!
also vote and comment <3

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