"Why didn't you get your drivers licence already?! I told you to start getting on that this year because you didn't start last year, but did you listen to me? Noooo!" Daphine rambled. 

"Hey! Have you seen the amount of crazy drivers this city has?!" Vaughan snapped. "Besides, I wanted to get school done and out of the way first." 

"Are we seriously having this conversation now?" Daphine asked with annoyance. 

Vaughan rolled her eyes. "Yes apparently so!"

Vaughan pedalled faster, racing down the sidewalk. She huffed and puffed as she raced past walking bystanders.

"Listen, at the speed I'm going, I'll be at the school in a few minutes, tops!" 

"Okay, but hurry up! I'm peeking through the stage curtains and the parents are starting to pour in." said Daphine, seeming to be a but nervous. 

"Are my parents there?.... Please say no!" Vaughan pleaded. 

"Uh, I don't see them. They must be in the back of the line." the best friend replied. 

"Okay, well when you see them, CALL ME! I don't want to run into them. If they find out that I was running late to my own graduation, they'd pop a vessel." Vaughan yelped as she made a turn.

"Got it. I'll see if Josh and Andrew can stall Mr. Apatello for a few minutes to by you some time." Daphine reasoned. 

"Thanks!" Vaughan sighed with relief. "You're the best!"

"The best of the best!" Daphine exclaimed before hanging up.

Vaughan slipped her phone back in her pocket before pedalling faster down the street. She had to make it to school on time or else she would miss the curtain call. 

Once the school was in eye sight, Vaughan grew extra excited as she was relieved she was going to make it on time. However, when she spotted a certain group of people, she slammed on the breaks and came to a screeching halt.

Her parents were chatting with Sparkplug and Spike right outside the school! And they were blocking the entrance doors!

"Aw you've got to be kidding me!" She whined.

She looked around the outside walls of the school, desperate to find another way in. That's when she saw it; The back stage doors!

She climbed off her bike and quickly but quietly jogged for the doors, staying low so her family wouldn't see her. Once she reached the doors, she tossed her bike to the side as she pulled the door open and bolted inside.

Senior students stood around in their own little groups and pairs, striking up conversations. Vaughan ran by them, finally finding Daphine who was with Josh as the two stood by a clothing line with graduation gowns and caps on them.

"There she is!" Josh exclaimed.

"The ceremony is in a few minutes, we thought you wouldn't make it!" said Daphine as she helped her friend into her graduation gown.

"Sorry! Slept in!" Vaughan apologized.

"Since when do you sleep in? The last time you slept in was... oh yeah! NEVER!" Josh stated.

"Sorry! I was dreaming about me being Remix." Vaughan explained.

"Again?" Daphine asked, brushing Vaughan's hair out of her face and fixing it.

"This was the third time this month. I'm still not over it. I can't help but think of what her, uh, my life was like back on Cybertron." Vaughan explained as Josh placed the hat on her head. "So, how do I look?"

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें