Records Of the Agito - Exploration II

Start from the beginning

Wakaba: Is anyone there????!!!!! (Wakaba said as they ventured deeper into the subway station) 

As they continued to venture deeper into the subway station, they discovered signs of people who used to live here such as food cans and remains of a fire. Wakaba then stumbled on something soft and picked it up. 

Wakaba: Is this........ a diary? 

Tamako: What the hell is this??????!!!!!! 

Wakaba: What's wrong, did you find something? (Wakaba said as she and the rest head to Tamako's location) 

What they saw when they arrived there was only despair. It was a pool of human corpses. 

Wakaba: What on earth

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Wakaba: What on earth.......... has happened here? (Wakaba said as her expression began to turn pale) 

To find out what has happened here, Wakaba then opened the diary that she picked up before and began to read it. The name of the writer is already smudged, thanks to the conditions around it. But at least, the contents are still readable. 


(Someday in 2015) 

I don't know how many days have passed since we started hiding underground. I decided to write a diary to help me retain my sense of time. When the monsters appeared around the end of July, we managed to escape and take refuge in an underground mall. We built barricades in front of all exits and entrances but now we're stuck in here. I wonder what things are like on the surface. My mom and dad are gone. My little sister is the only family I have left. My sister is still in elementary school. As a high schooler, I'll have to look after her. 

(Someday in 2015) 

Someone was killed in an argument today. Fights over food, clashing opinions, and bullying the weak. We shut ourselves in to escape the monsters......... And now we're turning against our fellow humans!!! The bodies are gathered in a designated area. Leaving them as they are would not only cause hygiene issues, but it would also take a toll on our minds........ I ended up writing about the corpses as if they're just things huh........  

(Someday in 2015) 

My little sister kept on crying saying that she wants to go home. She usually stays calm and behaves so well. One of the adults got irritated by her crying and told me to throw her out or kill her. I won't let them do that. 

(Someday in 2015) 

Our meal for today was two dietary supplement bars and half a bag of snack food. The adults have been arguing about our food supply problem. Some said we should kill the weak to save food. Others proposed that we should tear down the barricades and go outside. We couldn't reach any conclusion again today. I wonder if the monsters are still outside. Nobody can say for sure. 

(Someday in 2015) 

My sister is not doing too well. But there's nothing I can do about it. I have to take her to the hospital!!!!! 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now