"Don't mention it. Which one is your house?" Taehyung asked the boy outside.

"Um...that one." He pointed at an apartment building with his pointer finger. "5th floor." He smiled.

"Okay. See you tomorrow then?" Taehyung smiled back as he nodded.

"Good night hyung...good night Jimin hyung!" he waved before disappearing in the night. Not bothering to wait for their response to him.

Taehyung now looked back at Jimin who's silent and still like a rock. Mihyun had the same state. He sighed.

"Guys...I know this is upsetting but we can't turn back time can we?" Taehyung reasoned out for them to think rationally.

"What's upsetting is you guys have been hiding that from me!" Jimin complained  loudly from the back. Making him jump at his anger laced tone.

"You were sick how were we supposed to stress you out more?" Taehyung retorted in the same voice. At the time his phone that's attached to the car's speaker, rang loudly and she pressed the receiver.

"Your mom..." she whispered before turning back to the window again. Surely not caring for the boys arguing. This time staring at the empty street for nothing.

"Hi mom..." Taehyung barely said.

"Yah!" A male voice startled the three of them. "Where did you get the permission to drive my car?" The voice was very familiar to all three of them, booming with annoyance and it made them pay proper attention to the call.

"Hyung?!" Taehyung was shocked and looked like so. "How did you know?" He gasped. He's not supposed to know, he's not home...

"Come back with my car, I don't want any scratches on it." And the line goes dead.

"Now you didn't tell me that hyung came back?" Jimin scoffed out of disbelief.

"What? No! I didn't know either!" Taehyung defended himself then looked at Mihyun for backup. She's staring down at his phone.

"Your mom texted. She called us two in for dinner." She sighed and then put the phone down to look outside again.

"Okay..." he shrugged a little before starting the engine.

"How can you not know he's home? You literally live there..." she slowly said. The disappointment thickly smeared on her words.

"He wasn't back until this evening." He shook his head. "I'm doomed if this car even has dust on it."

She finally smiled a little as he said that. Jimin did the same. His brother was very possessive about his first self bought car and he won't let anyone touch it, not even his younger brother. But he had to leave it here in Seoul when he was transferred to some other station.

"Where was he posted again?" She looked at Taehyung as he turned a corner. He glanced her way.

"Busan. Haeundae-gu. He was working on something so he couldn't push his transfer until now. But I guess it worked this time." Taehyung said while looking at the road.

"Busan?" Jimin asked again to confirm and got a nod from him.

Wow...is this the thing they call fate? The world's so small...

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