Chapter 2: No Man's Land

Start from the beginning

The boy pouts and gets up. "So much for subtlety..." He shrugs and puts the bow on his back, drawing two knives from his belt and sprinting at three of the Latyrs. He strikes them down in a fast whirlwind of slicing daggers. The Latyrs try to keep up with him, but he's too quick and finishes them off in such a manner of time.

Nesosa laughs as the impales another Latyr. "Och, shut it, Lav! Ye had yer 'subtlety' with th' archers! Ah figured thae dafts could use some mair excitement than that!" Nesosa's voice is best described as forceful, her heavy Scottish accent enunciating the snark in her tone. Blind in her adrenaline, Nesosa turns and starts charging for the next person in sight, Naomi.

The boy reaches out towards her as she gallops towards the girl. "Um, Nesosa! Not that one!"

The centaur woman charges towards Naomi, who stands in both fear and awe of everything happening around her. "RAAAAHHHhhh och, wait! You're th' ones we're saving! What's yer name?" Nesosa stops mere inches away from Naomi's face with a smile and she crosses her arms, leaning down to look at her as though she's inspecting her.

Naomi stares up at her with a wide grin. "Holy shit," she chuckles, still looking the centaur over in awe and Nesosa looks at her sideways.

"That's a pure weird pumpin' name, but a've heard worse. Nice tae mak yer acquaintance, Holy Shite."

The boy laughs as he walks over. "Come on, Nesosa. Don't be so dense. I'm sure the lady has a finer name than that," he smiles and looks at Naomi.

She chuckles. "I'm Naomi. It's nice to meet you? I think?" she says.

Nesosa groans. "Damn. Fur a moment ah thought ah was goin' tae like ye. But ye're boring," she frowns.

Naomi sighs. "Yeah I get that a lot. Now, quick question; Who the hell are you people?" she asks.

The boy chuckles and steps closer. "Us? Oh, we're just your local heroes, valiantly charging into battle to help save some poor helpless souls from all the evil Latyrs of the land. No need to thank us, m'lady. Unless of course, it's with a handful of numis in honor of our kind deed," he says with a wink.

Naomi tilts her head at him and cocks a brow. "So... Are you mercenaries or something?" she asks.

He shrugs with a grin and crosses his arms, looking off stoically. "You could say that we are some... class definition of the term 'mercenary'. We do good by lending a friendly hand wherever we can and—"

The centaur woman, Nesosa, huffs and whacks him on the back of his head, immediately shutting him up and she rolls her eyes. "Give it a rest, Lav. Fur a Cle, ye are terrible at lying," she chastises. "Name's Nesosa Val'Dernak. Ah'm probably th' strongest Kileyan centaur warrior ye've ever seen, sae take mah advice 'n' don't cross me. Otherwise ye'll end up lookin' like flat-skull over there," she says and motions towards the Latyr whose head basically got curb stomped by a big ass horse.

Naomi nods slowly. "Um... You're the only 'Kileyan centaur warrior' I've ever seen, so... I guess you're right?" She jumps as Malachi suddenly appears beside her and grabs her shoulder.

"Are you done wasting time? The Latyrs are dead so we need to get a move on. So say goodbye to your little friends so we can leave already," he grumbles.

Naomi groans and throws her head back. "Come on... I'm new here! These people look cool and they just bodied a group of bandits for us! In video games, the first people you encounter at the start are typically very important to the main quest so it's smart to talk to them!" she whines and motions to the pair as she talks.

The two look at her quizzically. "What in the name of Maze are you talking about? What do you mean you're 'new here'? Are you from Conarita or something?" the elf boy asks.

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