Start from the beginning

The first day back and he was already tasked by Dumbledore to retrieve information from their new Potions professor. Now, Snape was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Morning Professor." Ethaline said, setting down her things in Slughorn's classroom as the man greeted her eagerly.

"Ethaline Malfoy!" He said, reaching to shake her hand and she hesitated but allowed him to do so, ignoring the looks from her friends.

"Our personal Celebrity." Amir piped up, a smug look on his face as she glared at him. "The Slytherin Queen."

"That she is," Slughorn said, "It's wonderful you've been placed in my class. If you have any questions—any concerns or notes never hesitate to tell me. Same with you Harry Potter." He said as Harry took an empty seat next to her.

"Brilliant," Harry said, glancing at Ethaline as she pulled away from Slughorn and opened her book to the first page written on the board. As for Harry, who wasn't even supposed to be in the class until McGonagall made him join with Ron (who sat just behind them with Hermione) he looked down at the old book he got from the back.

Class started without another hitch, the students scrambling to follow along their first day as Ethaline flipped bored through the pages. She knew this, she was far more advanced than this. She had to be, she was hunted for sport over the summer and sitting in the classroom like nothing occurred was a mockery of her.

Someone behind her dropped a vile, the sounds of students laughing it off as they picked it up as Ethaline felt her heart face and her hands tremble slightly as she stared at the window, fearing her emotions would set off her dragons. Just breath, she thought, just breath and don't alarm Harry.

Harry was occupied in his book, frowning as he skimmed the pages written on.


"If everyone could circle around the front," Slughorn started, "We'll be brewing Amortenia today. Can someone tell me what that is?"

Hermione raised her hand, telling them all it was the most powerful love potion but it didn't actually make someone love you. Just infatuated.

Ethaline scoffed lightly, "Doesn't taste that good." She muttered, making Harry snap his head over to her in shock before they watched as he brewed it.

"Once it's done, the smell of it will give off the aroma of that who you like." Slughorn said with a smile, "Ms. Malfoy step up."

Ethaline didn't protest and took a whiff of the smoke, instantly she felt herself calm as she glanced up at him. "I smell..."

Harry was at the edge of his seat, his lips parted slightly as she glanced at him.


Everyone moved around awkwardly, Amir trying to home his laugh in as Henry volenteered. "I'll go Professor." He said, winking at Ethaline who simply ignored him and walked back to her seat.

"I smell," he started, "Vanilla..." he furrowed his eyebrows, "S-smoke and...and candy cakes." He whispered in disbelief.

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