The Red Room Curse

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This legend is based on a cursed pop-up that will randomly appear on an individual's computer. 

The pop-up is just an image of a door and a recorded voice, which asks "Do you like the red room?". The pop-up will continue to appear until the voice completes it's question, even if someone attempts to close it. 

Those who see the pop-up are later found dead with the walls of the room they are found in painted red with their own blood. 

This story began as a flash animation (animated film) about a boy who was cursed and died after seeing the pop-up and in real life, the pop-up is set to appear on the user's computer screen after this film.  

So, how did this film graduate from a simple story to an urban legend? Well, an eleven-year-old (who's name was not mentioned) murdered her twelve-year-old classmate in what is known as the Sasebo Slashing. When investigated, they found this film bookmarked on her computer and it appeared in her history numerous times. Many believe that this short animated film influenced her to murder her classmate. 

{ Not gonna lie guys, this story is giving me Slender Man vibes. Did you guys hear about that real-life case of those girls trying to kill their classmate for him because they believed he was real? It's crazy how the internet can influence young minds. }

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