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Kunekune, translated into "Wriggling Body", is an urban legend which concerns distant apparitions seen on widely extended rice or barley fields on hot summer days.

A "Kunekune" refers to an indiscernible white object, similar in appearance to a tall, slender strip of paper or textile sheet, that shimmers and wiggles as if moved by the wind, even on windless days.

According to the legend, anyone who tries to get a closer look at it is driven insane or dies when touching it. Early reports of Kunekune appeared on several websites at the same time. 

The Kunekune legend may be based on local Japanese ghost stories about scarecrows coming to life during the night, or when someone stares at them too often. Though, many have tried to debunk this encounter as a scarecrow moving because of wind or because of wick drains planted to drain water from inner ground. 

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