Aka Manto

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Aka Manto (Red Cape/Cloak) is a male spirit who wears a red cape/cloak and a mask to hide his face. He is said to haunt public or school restrooms, often specifically in the last stall of a female's restroom. 

According to the legend, individuals using the toilet in such restrooms may be asked by Aka Manto to choose between red paper or blue paper. (Please note that in some versions, he may say red cloak/cape or blue cloak/cape.) 

Choosing the "red" option results in deadly lacerations or flaying on your back. Choosing the "blue" option results in strangulation or possibly all of the individual's blood being drained from their body.

If for some reason the individual chose the color yellow, their head would be pushed into the toilet until they drowned. Picking another color that was not an option would result you in being dragged into Hell or the Underworld. 

Ignoring Aka Manto, rejecting both options offered, leaving the restroom, or a combination of either of these methods are said to see to the individual's survival. 

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