chapter 25

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its been two whole weeks I've been stuck in the same position only to go to the bathroom I really don't know what to do I haven't been answering my phone, I haven't talked to anyone.

it's Thursday today and I still don't want to go anywhere but I have to get up at some point.

I walked to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror my blonde hair is almost faded out and in a messy bunch it looks like a rats nest.

my eyes dark and puffy from not sleeping and crying and my body looks so fragile bones sticking out.

how could I let myself get this far?

I decide to take a shower and try to look presentable its time for a change.

I got dressed in grey sweatpants with a white crop top and a denim jacket I put on a pair of white sneakers and headed out. I went to some random hair salon to fix my hair.

after two hours I was blonde again just a little bit lighter than the previous time.

I paid the lady and headed out.

I stopped by the diner and sat down in a booth at the back.

oh hi Alora right?

yeah I look up to see macy standing there in her uniform.

I love your hair!

oh thanks how was your date with Kenny?

oh we uhm didn't go?

wait what?

yeah he told me he had some problems with a friend?

wait what friend?

oh yeah he just said a recent friend is having some family problems-

I'm sorry I will talk to him.

thanks Alora.


what can I get you?

oh yeah uhm cheese and bacon burger and fries and a -

banana milkshake?

yeah thanks.

after I ate my food I paid and left.

I went home and went directly to bed.

Friday morning I woke up and took a shower getting ready for school.

I got dressed in a grey sweater and put on a pink overall dress I put on a pair of black boots.

I braided my hair and headed to school.

once I reached the parking lot I got out of my car.

I headed into the school only to be stopped by Kole.


he grabbed my arm forcing me to turn and look him in the eyes.

are you okay?

oh yeah I'm perfectly fine.

bullshit Alora you disappeared for two weeks!

calm down alright I just needed a break.

we looked everywhere-

bullshit I was at my home on my couch for two weeks so you didn't search everywhere.

my phone buzzed I took it out of my pocket ignoring Kole as he was yelling at me.

it was from George.

hey I'm back in san Francisco and I got some amazing news come to san Francisco as soon as possible but maybe still be cautious.

so good to hear from you ill text you when I reached san Francisco.

sorry what were you saying?

oh my god what is your problem don't you realize we care for you?

I do okay I just you know what I cant do this I have to go back home this weekend-

to Ireland?

no san Francisco.

okay then well come with you?

you sure?

yeah why not lets make it a road trip.

no I need to be there by tomorrow.

okay then well go now?

fine get the boys and get your stuff ill meet you at your house in half an hour.

I got into my car and headed home packing my bag.

ten minutes later I got back into my car and headed to the boys house.

I reached their house to see them arguing in front of their car.

I drooped my bag making them silent.

now we get going or your staying.

okay okay then lets go.

I got into the backseat with Kole and we started the road trip.

we were five hours into the road trip and the boys got hungry we were somewhere in Iowa?

so we stopped on at this old looking gas station.

so we stop for ten minutes get what we need and head the road again?

yes your majesty.

shut up Kenny.

after we got some snacks and had our bathroom break we set back on the road but this time it was Kenny's turn to drive.

I took a nap since I'm driving next.

I got woken when it was my turn to drive we were in Wyoming only two states away from san Francisco it was midnight and if I'm correct we will reach san Francisco by noon tomorrow.

it was only me and Kole that was awake the other two was fast asleep in the back of the car.

are you sure you don't want to sleep?

yeah I want to keep you company.

thanks Kole.

why do I feel so attracted to you?

huh I look over to see him looking at me with a confused look on his face.


yeah I like you Alora and I don't know why I mean we have only known each other for a while but I was so scared when you were gone when I didn't see your car parked next to ours seeing your smile seeing you I missed you so much and I don't know why!

holy shit I'm sorry I didn't-

I pulled the car over and looked Kole in the eyes.

look Kole you are one amazing person and yes I also feel the same but just understand that i have a lot going on right now I just want to get to know you first.

okay I like the idea of that, taking it slow.

yes exactly I kiss him on the cheek and start the car.

we finally arrived in san Francisco I was driving since i know the area.

I stopped in front of a familiar house and got out knocking on the door.

oh my god Alora!

hi miss Mendes how are things?

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