chapter 13

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Thursday after everything that happened yesterday I was physically and mentally tired, but hey school cant wait.

I got out of my bed and took a shower. after my shower I got dressed in a light blue ripped jeans cuffed at the bottom with a black crop top a purple flannel tied around my waist and a leather jacket I put on a pair of black high heel boots.

morning mom you found anything?

no not yet ill call you as soon as I find anything I promise.

what are we going to do if he is still alive?

I don't know yet honey but we will work it out together.

I want to ask I think its time we trade cars.

yeah you know that's not a bad idea?

how about after school?

sure ill meet you here.

ill see you after school mum I grab my helmet and keys and head to school.

after my now long drive to school I reach the parking lot.

as I shut down my bike I see the group hanging out by the entrance.

I get of my bike and walk over to them.

morning guys.

hi Alora long time no see!

oh shut it max.

listen ill see you guys later okay?


I turn around to see Kyle looking at me concerned.

I shake my head tears in my eyes and walk into the school heading for the girls bathroom.

Alora! I turn around to see Kyle running to me.

Kyle please don't ill talk to you later if I talk now I wont be able to control myself.


Kyle please I promise ill talk to you during lunch.

okay ill talk to you at lunch.

he walks back to the group as I walk into the bathroom.

after calming myself down I head to math just in time to not be late.

great to see you are learning where the school is miss Mackerzie.

miss jones?

yes Alora can you please tell me why you are so devoted to making everybody's life in your class miserable?

instead of being rude or a bitch you can actually look up on us and ask us why we don't do our homework why we are late to school and why sometimes we don't fucking show up its called caring now if don't mind just leave me alone and ill leave you alone alright?

I sit down in my seat and take out my math book seeing the whole class was silent.

so are we going to learn or what?

miss jones cleared her throat and started the lesson.

the period went by and everyone was quiet with shock making it easy for miss jones to teach.

when the bell rang dismissing us from this class I was one of the first people to leave the class.

wow okay I'm just going to say that was amazing!


we walked to home ec. meeting up with Jane halfway to the class and of course she has already heard about my outburst in math.

and apparently so has everyone else.

home ec. went by fast and we were now sitting in our usual spot for lunch.

Alora can we talk now?

yeah but can we go somewhere private?


we walked to the back of the school making sure no one followed us.

I sat down on the ground with Kyle next to me.

uhm so yesterday after you left I went through all the news articles about Tomerscia I do it everyday but this time instead of an article about me and my mom it was about my brother.

wait I thought-

so did we.

my mum is still looking into it so we still don't know if its true or not but I , I just cant stand the thought of my uncle-

I heard footsteps behind the building so I stopped talking I motioned for Kyle to keep quiet as I slowly walked up to the corner grabbing the person and throwing them on the ground.

what the fuck Alora!

Elliot! why are you spying on us?

I just came to find you because mia was looking for him.

okay then what did you hear?

something about your uncle I promise I didn't hear anything else.

well you better not have now run along we are coming now.

we waited until he was back inside.

okay listen we need to be careful I know you trust them but I don't want a lot of people to know about this alright?

I told you your secret is safe with me.

thanks Kyle.

we rejoin the group with a few concerned looks I turn to mia and look her in the eyes.

ill tell you later I wink at her making sure she is reassured.

as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch I walk with mia to English.

so uhm funny story you and Kyle I nod my head making sure she knows what I'm talking about.

he asked me for advice I don't know why but he did.

that's all?

that's all I'm aloud to say for now.

mysterious I like it.

so why are you lying to her?


I know what you two did back there-

you know nothing I have no emotional connection to him except as a good friend I'm trying to set him and mia up alright.

so don't you dare blame me for things that you know nothing about alright?

I walk away and sit in my chair.

fucking men.

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