chapter 14

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it was now the end of the day and I was just about to leave the school but with my luck someone is always calling me.


I turn around to see Elliot walking up to me.


hey you maybe want to hang out?

oh shoot I cant I made plans with my mother maybe after?

yeah just let me know .


I walk out of the school and get onto my motorcycle.

cant believe it may be the last time I get to ride my baby.

when I reached the house my mum was waiting for me inside.

you ready to go?

yeah lets go I got onto my motorcycle and followed my mother.

we made it to a secondhand car dealership and sold our car and my bike.

after we were looking around for a new car and bike my mum found a black Honda she actually liked. While I was still searching I could always go for a car but I love riding a bike to much.

what are you looking for young lady?

oh uhm is this all the motorcycles that you have for sale?

yeah we have a few more over there though he points to a place on the lot where i haven't been.

thanks, I walk over to a beautiful black Yamaha cruiser.

wow this one is beautiful.

okay then its settled.

I smile at my mom as I get on the motorcycle it was euphoric in the least.

after my mom bought the bike and car we headed back home.

when we were in the living room I saw my mum had a concerned look on her face.

what is wrong?

that car you saw yesterday?


it , it belongs to a guy I believe is working for your uncle so I want you to stay out of that area because I have a plan that will lure them away from san Francisco but I need you to stay away from that house okay?

okay I will.

I didn't go hang out with Elliot that night I decided it may not be safe instead I stayed in my room and listened to MGK the whole night until I fell asleep.

I woke up Friday morning kind of in a better mood but still in a bad mood.

I took a shower and got dressed in black dungarees with a salmon pink hoodie and a pair of white sneaker's.

after I was done getting dressed I walked into the kitchen to see a note from my mom.

morning honey please be extra careful today drive the long road and don't talk to any strangers.

see you tonight.


I put the note away and head to school grabbing my new helmet and bike keys I got on the cruiser and took the extra long way to school.

when I reached school there was just a few minutes before first period.

nice bike.

thanks got it yesterday.

o so that's what you were doing?

yes why?

Elliot was a bit upset that you stood him up?

yeah its sad, listen Kyle I just want to say uhm you know the whole situation of the other day with lunch?


well mia asked me about it so I just said you asked me for some advice.

okay yeah that's good.

and Elliot kind of thought we were seeing each other behind their back?


I cleared it up with him and said we are only good friends but I don't know if he believed me since I keep pushing him away?

its fine ill talk to him.

okay well I'm headed to math before I cause that teacher to slit my wrist.

just don't cause trouble okay?

sure see you at lunch.

I head to math and walked into the class kind of shocked to see Elliot sitting there behind mia.

morning mia.

morning Alora love the new ride.


during the period a paper fell down on my table.

did I do something wrong?

I look back at Elliot to see him looking down at his textbook.

no its not you its me alright I just have alot going on right now.

I passed the note back to him and continued focusing on my textbook , until the paper landed on my table again.

alright let me know when you are not to busy for me.

when I looked up I saw him standing up and walking out of the class.

what is wrong with me! I stood up and followed him.


he stopped In the hall and turned around.

what Alora you don't understand do you?

understand what Elliot?

I care about you okay I actually fucking care about you and you don't even see it do you?

I get it okay but why why do you care, why is this so hard?

I wipe my hands over my face getting more and more frustrated.

listen Alora I know you have a lot going on but- hell why am I even expecting so much from you?

I walk up to Elliot holding his face in my hand look I know this is hard for you but I cant do this now alright so can you please just forget about me?

no Alora-

Elliot I'm sorry okay? I , I just I need to go.

I turn around and run to my locker grabbing my helmet.

I run out of the school putting my helmet on getting on my cruiser and driving off.

I took the long making sure I wasn't being followed as soon as I reached the house I went inside and just fell on my bed crying.

I fucking hate this why cant I just be a normal person why did I have to hurt Elliot like that?

bloody hell.

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