Moro x Sorceress! Shy! Female! Reader

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Note: I'm going to change the scene when Moro breaks out. This won't be related to the manga due to plot.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I quietly sat in my cell with my eyes closed, I was focusing my energy for years now. Lucky me though I casted a spell upon myself giving me eternal life. I take that back, I'm not lucky because now I'm spending my entire life in this Galactic Prison.

"I heard there's another monster who uses magic." I heard the soldiers from outside say breaking my concentration. "What are you new here? That guy has been here for millions of years." Another soldier reply as they stopped. I left my eyes closed as I tried to use my sensory magic to see where they were.

"He has?" I questioned quietly. "Shut it." One of the soldiers spat as they banged at my door and my eyes shot open. 'At least I know where they are now.' I thought as I flinch at the banging. "So these are where the prisoners are?" I heard a cheerful voice ask as they walk down the hall. "What do you think, Kakarot? They don't have cells here for no reason." I heard another voice reply in a rough voice.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?!" The soldiers shouted as they ran to defend the cells. "We came here to look at the people in here." The light voice replied as his footsteps came closer. "Huh? Hey Vegeta come check this out!" The voice called as a shadow covered my lighting. I let my hair cover my face, "Who are you?" The voice asked but I only turned my head to look away from him.

"Hey, don't look away." The voice whined in a childish attitude. "Ha! How can a coward like you be in a prison like this?" The other guy scoffed, "Hey don't be mean Vegeta." The guy stepped in, 'So his name is Vegeta.' I thought as I glance at the door. "Oh she's looking over here!" The other guy exclaimed.

"What business do you have with her?" One of the guards spat as they glare at me. "Who is she? I can sense that she's really powerful." The voice asked turning to the guards. From what I can see, the guy with a light voice has black hair that's messed in all kinds of angles. "She's human actually, but she's a sorceress and she casted a spell on herself making herself immortal." The guard replied staring down at me in disgust.

"Who are you?" I ask in a shy tone staring at the ground. "I'm Goku, what's your name?" He asked causing me to smile a bit. "(Y/N)." I muttered staring at Goku. 'I'll remember those names. Goku and Vegeta.' I think before fully lifting my head up so he has a clear view of my face.

"Hey! Don't speak to him, you monster!" The guard shouted banging at my door. "Monster? Ha, you're being generous!" Vegeta scoffed staring down at me in pity. "You would be surprised by how much she can do. A lot of people underestimate her because of they way she acts, but she's powerful enough to destroy planets left and right is she wanted to." One of the guards explained staring down at me in fear.

"Woah, really?!" Goku asked as he stumbled back in surprise. "Yeah, how she got in here is almost like that other guy." The other guard said speaking to his partner. "How did she get in here?" Goku asked as the suspense built up.

"She was fighting this purple cat guy and once he killed her ally she went berserk but ended up getting capture, before she did she casted a spell on herself making her immortal." The guy, who I'll name Josh, explained. 'Do they have to talk about me when I'm right here?' I questioned internally.

"She fought Lord Beerus?!" Vegeta asked his head immediately shooting towards me. "Is that his name?" I muttered as they all turned their attention to me. "Lord Beerus, huh?" I asked rhetorically as I held onto the memory of the purple feline. 'If it weren't for being immortal before I was captured, I would've been dead for sure.' I thought leaning my head back on the wall behind me.

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