Vegito x Gender Neutral! Reader

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Note: Gonna try gender neutral for the first time so beware.

Vegito's P.O.V

I charge at the mountain with my fist and smashed a hole through it. I huff and smirk, "I'm a lot more powerful than before." I stated proudly to myself as I punch through another mountain.

I stood in the air and touched the potara earrings, they've lasted longer than usual. I shook off my worry and continued punching through boulders and mountains. Just as I was about to destroy another mountain, I saw someone appear in my path.

"Woah! Get outta the way!" I yelled as I grew closer to the person. I slowed down as quickly as I could and stopped just before I hit them. To which they didn't flinch a single bit, "(Y/N)! Are you serious? I could've hurt you!" I exclaimed as I grip their shoulders.

"Yet you didn't, so all's good. Anyway, why are you still fused together?" (Y/N) asks while crossing their arms over their chest. "Mmm, I don't really know. Regardless, I'm stronger than ever. No one can touch me!" I gloat proudly as I puff my chest confidently.

"Wanna bet?" (Y/N) asked with a challenging smile. I scoff arrogantly as I stare at them, "You're on!" I replied back as I push myself back and away from where (Y/N) was standing. "You already know I won't have to try now." I state confidently with a smirk.

"It's only a spar." (Y/N) shook their head and go in a fighting position. They stared me down before suddenly disappearing then reappearing in front of me with a punch ready. I instinctively pushed myself back and charged up a Ki Blast.

Firing the blast, a cloud of smoke filled the air as the blasts connected with them. I put my hand down and raised an eyebrow as nothing happened. Just as I lowered my guard, I felt (Y/N)'s Ki behind me. As I look over my shoulder quickly, I spotted (Y/N) preparing their signature move with a cheeky smile.

I turn around quickly and was then blasted. I crash landed into the mountain and picked myself back up as I saw them rushing towards me. They let out a yell as they slam their fist in the mountain where I once was.

"Nice try." I said with a smirk as I kick them to the ground. They crashed into the ground on their back which created a crater beneath them. I dive down with my fist ready, yet they only laid there with their eyes narrowed and a smile.

My eyebrows furrowed as I got closer. I landed the punch right beside their head, but they only stared at me with that same smile. "Hmph, can't take the heat?" I asked with my head tilted to the side and an arrogant smirk.

(Y/N) only shook their head before I suddenly realized that I was now on my back with them looking down at me. "Huh?" I muttered as I realized our placing. "Gotchu." (Y/N) said with a smile before they straddle my waist.

"I win." They cheered with a smile. I let out a sigh with a smile on my lips as I laid there. "Alright, alright. You got me." I replied, pushing past my own pride. I looked at them while they stayed on my lap.

'As stunning as ever.' I thought as my hand subconsciously slide on their thigh. "What's up?" (Y/N) asked with their head tilting to the side slightly and I forcibly stopped myself before patting their thigh. "Off." I muttered as I sat up, trying to ignore my racing heart.

"So, how come you're Vegito?" (Y/N) asked as they slipped off my lap. "Like I'd know, fusion is as new to me as it is you." I sigh as I rub the earrings. I pause and look at the sky, I had sensed a powerful Ki appear. "What's up?" They asked as I look in the same direction as me.

"Hmph, it's nothing. We should go." I told them as I stood up, "Where to?" They muttered as they stood up as well. "Let's go to the Supreme Kai, he should know about the fusion." I told them as I took their hand and used Instant Transmission.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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