"Oh, I was talking to a friend before you pulled up. He's taking me to the ball. Have you made up your mind? I swear you're going to love it."

"I don't know, I don't have a costume. I wouldn't even know what to wear."

"Why don't you come as an angel? I'd bet you'd look so cute," Rhonda smiled at her and took another puff from her cigarette. "You definitely got the personality of one, all sweet and innocent."

Tara felt a little uncomfortable with the way Rhonda was staring at her. She turned away and saw Kane leaning upside the building with his arms crossed and eyes closed. He seemed to be relaxing. She couldn't help but noticed how good looking the guy was. For a moment she forgot about Rhonda and watched him quietly since he seemed to be in his own world.

Rhonda frowned and turned in the direction Tara was staring to see who had caught her attention. She smirked when she saw Kane. "He's fine as hell ain't he? Too bad he's psychotic. "

Tara continued to watch him. At least she wasn't the only one who felt Kane was dangerous. Although he had been very nice to her yesterday, she still felt there was something very off about him. All the alarms went off in her head that she should keep a far distance from him and yet something about him fascinated her. She felt strangely drawn to him, as if nothing else existed when he was around.

Rhonda gave Tara a curious look. She had never seen her stare at a guy so openly. Did Tara like this guy? "Girl, don't go messing with him. That guy is crazy. He rarely speaks to anyone unless they are in his way. When he does, he makes you think he's about to rip you into pieces with the way he stares, and he speaks in this soft calculated voice. The guy makes me shiver and not in a good way. Besides, I think he's gay."

Tara raised her eyebrows and turned to Rhonda.

"Seriously, he's got to be gay to not notice all this chocolate goodness," Rhonda ran her hands over her body. I started working here the same month you did and managed to attract the attention of every man here except him. I know I'm fine, he's gay as hell not to notice."

Tara turned back to Kane again. Kane had been on vacation, so she heard from the rumors, when she and Rhonda had started working at the law firm. It was only his second day back and Rhonda had expected the man to be all over her just like the other guys, except Kendrick who also didn't seem to notice Rhonda.

She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw Kane's lips twitch.

"Anyway, are you going? Please go! Do it for me? I've always wanted to hang out with you, you're like a sister to me here, you know? I've never bonded with another female as quickly as I have with you. You have to come!"

Tara laughed. "Okay, fine, I have a feeling you won't give up until I do." She thought about the money, she'd recently received. "I'm sure I can find an angel costume."

Rhonda jumped up and down and hugged Tara tightly. "Yay! We're going to have so much fun!" Neither of them saw Kane glaring at them.

Kane sat at his desk deep in thought. He did not want Tara going to that ball. He doubted she knew what it really was, but even if she did, he wouldn't want her to be there. How could he stop her from going? He couldn't. It wasn't like he could walk up to her and demand she stayed home. They hadn't spoken to each other since yesterday. She had smiled and waved at him when she saw him across the room, but that was it.

She worked harder than anyone in the office and no one seemed to notice except him and Kendrick. Kendrick was watching her almost as much as Kane today. He examined his brother's mind to see what he was thinking but all he could get was curiosity and heavy admiration. Kane didn't like the admiration part and quickly stated the obvious.

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