Matteo 17 years old (Mat)

Matteo is a simple yet complicated dude. He was the closest sibling to Angel and once she left he broke. He became cold-hearted and ruthless. As he got older he started using drugs and caffeine as an escape. He often ditches class to get away from people. He loves nature and drawing but he doesn't draw as much as he used to. He often seems mute but he is a selective mute because instead of using his voice he uses his fist. He is the best boxer in the Italian mafia but it still doesn't take his pain away. It will seem that he pushes angel away when she first comes but that's because he doesn't want to lose her again.

Tony 18 Years old

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Tony 18 Years old

Tony is very warm-hearted and loves dogs. In fact, he has a dobromen named hades. He is not like his twin at all he hates violence unless it needs to be enforced. He loves building things and mechanics which could explain the tattoo he has gotten to make it seem he has a robot arm. The way he pushes his demons aside is with music which he is very good at might I add. He has also gained a caffeine addiction over the years. He loves change and loves angel to death he would kill anyone for her which is saying a lot.

 He loves change and loves angel to death he would kill anyone for her which is saying a lot

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Tommy(Tony's twin) 18 years old

Tommy is the kind of person who believes it's just him in the world but he is not narcissistic. He can be seen as the violent type but that is just because he is scared to show real emotion. Way too many people had lied to him and he is tired of it. He loves skulls and also sunflowers. He hates when others show emotion as well because he believes that that should be done alone. Heck it's not his fault he was raised wrong so don't get too mad with him. But angel does help him see it's ok to show emotion sometimes.

 But angel does help him see it's ok to show emotion sometimes

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Bellamy  20 years old

Bellamy can be seen as the mamma bear of the group he would always be there if you needed him. He is a licensed therapist for the mafia. He loves wolves the moon. Ever since he was a child he had felt connected with the moon. he loves white roses but hates the government. He hates everyone if I'm being honest he only likes his family and can tolerate his friends.

Elies 23 years old (the oldest brother)

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Elies 23 years old (the oldest brother)

Elies is what you would call ruthless and heartless. He could care less if you are a friend or not if you cross him wrong you will be shoot by him. He has an intimidating glare just like angel. The way he copes with his depression is by drowning it with alcohol and smoking. He is not proud of it but still won't make an effort to stop. He does try when angel comes tho. He might not seem to be the best person but in reality, this is all just a front he puts out there to seem tough and scary.

Warning this is my first book also there might be some triggers that I might not point out so be careful. This whole book could be a trigger warning so here is your warning. Also, the colors I chose for the characters are their favorite colors. Anyway, have fun reading the book and if there are any more characters I will introduce them the same way. Also if you see any spelling or grammar errs put them in the comments and I will get to them. Thank You for choosing to read this book I love every one of you.

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