Confessions ~ Legolas

Start from the beginning

"Sleep well?"

You sit up, tears forming in your eyes, and throw your arms around your brother. A chuckle comes from the other side of the bed you rest in, and you know that voice as well as you did as a child: Gandalf. Frodo pats your shoulder, letting you lean against him, as you are still weary, in need of support, and you kiss his cheek as you look to your right. The old wizard it is indeed, though his hair and robes have gone from grey to white, and he is very much alive. What a wonderful thing it is, you realize as you shake his hand with glee, to meet again someone you thought was gone forever, finding them safe and whole once more.


It is Merry Brandybuck, running in from the doorway, swiftly followed by Pippin Took, and your heart swells to see them. They leap onto your bed, crying and cheering and beaming their toothy smiles, as you meet them with the same fervor, if not equal movement. Frodo warns them to be calm, but you brush off his warning with a laugh, hugging your friends again and again. Next to appear is Aragorn. He kneels beside the bed and as you swing your legs over the side, brushing aside the blanket, trying to maintain an air of decorum in the presence of a king, he takes your hand and kisses the back of it, then leans his forehead against your fingers.

"You are no small hero, Firiel," he says, humble as ever, and you smile at him, your eyebrows creasing as you try not to tear up any further. As he rises, you fling your arms around him in a hug, and after a moment of hesitation, you feel him return the embrace. He bows his head to you as he stands a few seconds later, and Frodo grants you his arm to balance you. Your body is still weak, but you feel better than you have in months- no doubt thanks to the wonders of elven healing. Aragorn pats your hand, then lets it go, and you smile softly at him. He is a king of kings, kneeling before you, your dear friend, and it is clear to you he has changed since you last met. So have you.

Looking up from straightening the long linen shirt you are now garbed in, you notice Gimli has burst into the room, clapping and laughing in his joy, and you gladly accept the hug he offers you. The chatter all around you has grown as your friends have continued to flood the room, yet there are two people still missing. Three, really, and your heart is heavy for a moment as you remember Boromir, who died a hero's death. A tear slips down your cheek. Frodo frowns at you, worried, but you lift your hand to your face and brush away your sorrow. A mild smile, the grief clear in your eyes, reveals to him your thoughts, and he nods sadly.

More celebration among your companions commences, mostly spearheaded by Merry and Pippin. Feeling better, you walk among your friends, Frodo never too far behind, ready to take your arm should you stumble, but you do not. Elrond appears, and you take a minute to thank him for what he's done to help you along your journey, and especially now, bringing you back from what you are sure must have been near-death for the second time in the last year. He smiles sagely, ever the elven image of a stern yet kind wisdom, and lays a firm hand on your shoulder, looking out the window at the rivers flowing through his valley kingdom. You observe the view as well, taking in the peace and beauty you didn't think you'd ever see again, and hardly notice when the elf lord steps back.


You turn around to see Samwise, and the tears brimming in the shallows of your eyes finally begin to fall as you wrap your old friend in a tender hug. He has gone through hell and back with you, never faltering; when you lost your way, he got you back on track; a dozen times at least, he saved you from a single step that could have been the end of you, and thus the world; he is every bit the hero you are and more. So is Frodo, of course, and you draw your brother into the hug as well, all three of you bearing tearful smiles. Although you love all the others dearly, only these two shared your entire journey, only they know just what you went through. The bond you three share will stand the test of time, you're certain.

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