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AN: So, I decided to continue on this story too... Now that my brain is wokring again and that I have come up with even more things when writing on Fix the sky so... the once upon a time one-shot is now turning into another crazy AOS Avengers crossover... just don't ask where I get all of these ideas from, because I do not know the answere for that myself. But, I will stop ranting and let you all read the second part of this story. Enjoy!


She could hear her moving towards her, even if she tried to sneak around. She was glad she had her back turned, it would be bad if the kid saw her smile. How the kid had managed to warm her way into her heart was something Melinda couldn't understand, that or she didn't want to know. Pushing those thoughts away for the time being, she returned her focus on the movements instead.

"What are you doing?"

At the question, Melinda takes in a deep breath. There was no chance she would be able to finish. Lowering her arms, she turns her head to look at the sleepy looking child standing behind her. She couldn't blame the kid for being tired, it was after all 4 am and she really should be asleep.

"It's called Tai-chi and you should really be asleep."

"I had a nightmare and my back hurts."

There was no childish tone as she spoke the words which at the start had struck Melinda as odd, there should be for someone in that age. Or at least some left, but the more she had found out about Mary's past, the more she realised just how fast she had to grow mentally. Holding out her hand, Mary takes it without thinking and Melinda leads her to the bathroom.

She has been Mary's guardian for a month now, the first two weeks had been hard but after the broken glass incident; Mary had started to open up to her. She didn't scare away as often and even if she tried to hide something others had taught her was bad, she at least tries to tell her about it. Even if she apologises over and over the moment, she had said it.

She no longer needed the bandages on all day and the pain killers had been reduced, she did however need the cream and since she couldn't apply it by herself, she had learned that it was better to just ask for help. Melinda made sure to be careful every time she puts the cream on, not wanting to create more pain for the young girl. Once it was on, she washes her hand as Mary carefully pulls down the shirt once more.

"Are you hungry?"

Melinda asks, knowing that there wouldn't be any chance to get Mary to sleep once more. Seeing Mary nod her head as an answer, Melinda leads her out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. Mary took the seat she usually uses as Melinda starts to prepare something they could eat. She wasn't the most skilled person in the kitchen, at least she could do some simple recipes without putting the building on fire.

The silence that is hanging over the room is something they both had gotten use to. Melinda had learned early on that there was no use in trying to talk to Mary about her nightmares, the girl would usually break apart if she tried to remember them. And it had not been a sight Melinda wanted to see in the first place and never want to see again, so she kept silent. She knew Mary would tell her when she felt she was ready to share.

"Here we go."

Melinda speaks up after a while, putting a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Mary. The small girl smiles big, thanks her before she starts to eat. Smiling herself, Melinda sits down with a plate of her own and starts to eat.

"Could you, maybe teach me what you did earlier?"

Hearing the silent question, Melinda looks at Mary out of surprise. They usually ate during silence too, having Mary suddenly speak, let alone ask Melinda something was a surprise. She did however smile, for some reason, it warmed her heart that the young girl wanted to learn something from her and the fact that it was Tai-chi was something good.

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