Too many fandoms!

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Author: Okey so what new fandom that is in this book but haven't appeared yet?

Miko: Ummm us?

Author: Ah yes! I would have say thank you to you but I'm not nice so I won't. Hahaha!

Miko: Haha very funny *sarcastic*

Author: I can hear your sarcasm.

Miko: Like I care.

Author: So what are the others doing?

Miko: You know the regular. Patrols, sparring and me and Raf playing video games.

Author: Well what if I tell you I am gonna add you into the randomness?

Miko: Dude, you just said it a minute ago.

Author: I know. Stop saying the obvious.

Miko: You-

Author: Ep ep ep! Now shut up

Later that day

Ali: So why are we here again ?

Gumball: I don't know.

Ash: I think we're suppose to meet with new members of this random club that non of us volunteered to be part of.

Boboiboy: You got a point

Author: So are you ready?

Jet: We're ready!

Tobias: Yeah!

Author: I'm not talking to you perverts

Miko: We are from-

Author: Let me do the introduction

Ratchet: You are very annoying

Author: Okey everyone meet the cast of Transformers Prime!

Gumball: Huh. That's lamer than Boboiboy Galaxy

Boboiboy: Hey!

Arcee: Do you have a problem li'l kitty? I'll just beat you up like a pulp!

Gumball: *gulps*

Arcee: Good.

Ali: That's intense

Author: Okey we have....* breaths in*   Boboiboy Galaxy, Ejen Ali Pokemon XY, Spongebob Squarepants, The Amazing World of Gumball and lastly! Me!

Jack: Does he do that all the time?

Ash: Yes

Author: Since now the place is getting crowded I have made special 4 dimensional rooms that is identical to your original world's locations. So you won't be squeezing in with eachother and spread some kind of virus. *cough* *cough* Covid19

Ali: But we are fictional characters. We can't spread any desease to other fandoms.

Darwin: Yeah. We aren't like you Author.

Author: Fine..... Richard! Someone needs a wonder hug!

Richard: Who's feeling GLOOMY!? Here comes a wonder hug. With extra 60% of happiness.

Gumball: Umm dad we-

Richard: WONDER HUG! *hugs Gumball causing to make a rainbow explosion*

Gumball: Atgg rarrg! Hehehe! *turns into Joy Zombies*

Darwin: Everyone! Run! Don't get argh- ahahahaha! *gets hug and turns into Joy Zombie*

Everyone in The Amazing World of Gumball: *Are Joy Zombies*

Miko: Pff- What's so scary- Ahh!

Bulkhead: Miko!

Miko: Ahaha! Hahahaha!

Author sitting on top of floating chair: Hehehe. Chaos. My favorite hobby

Down below: Joy Zombies spreads and chase normal people even Cybertronians*

Ratchet: I never knew happiness can become a plague!!!

Randomness With The Multiverse Of Cartoons ! ( Ejen Ali, Boboiboy etc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon