I'm still alive

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Hedgehog(Rudy): Great he's here

Ash: That's not how you greet people who is older than you

Hedgehog: I'm 15

maeed: And I'm twice your age

Ash: Sorry. Someone lost a bet to my rival

Hedgehog: You don't have to mention it here! Your just 10!

maeed: Actually he's about 21 in a 10 year old's body.

Megatron: What's with all the noise!? I'm trying to enjoy my Dark Energon bagel!

maeed: Not my problem that you could just turn off your audio reseptors and eat in peace but you didn't

Ash: Since when did alien robots eat bagels?

Hedgehog: Don't ask the logic of scifi-ish shows if your franchise doesn't make any sense!

Ash: What do you mean huh!? *pissed off*

Megatron: Well from my unintentional research on your franchise I've discovered that you are in an what humans cretins call "Anime"

Ash: Oh..... I don't get it

maeed: Basically it's anime logic but pretty mild in terms of combat.

Hedgehog: So your defending a franchise that didn't originate from your country!?

maeed: Hey aren't your suppose to be elsewhere? Like in a hamster cage? Cuz...your a hedgehog

Rudy: *angry hedgehog noises*

maeed: So unlike other anime that involves mystical powers, Pokemon and Naruto have one thing in common

Ash: And what's that?

Megatron: I don't want to be here but knowing him he would torture me by taking away my Dark Energon bagels.

maeed: They both have logical reasons to announce attacks/moves.

Ash: Oh...like how?

maeed: *facepalm*

Megatron: You are denser then my vehicons troopers.

maeed: So in Pokemon as a trainer you must shout out what move your pokemon should use. Occasionally the opponent might have a chance to react to but sometimes the opponent won't hear it so that is forgivable. In Naruto, a jutsu is like a magic spell that requires pronouncation and sometimes the opponent doesn't know that the jutsu does so it's forgivable.

Ash: Oh.... You said alot of stuff but I get it.

Megatron: Now can I go and finish my bagel?

maeed: You could have asked to leave- nevermind...bye *poofs away*

Megatron: *eating bagel sounds*

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