𝐚 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 [13]

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            A YEAR HAD PASSED, A LOT HAD HAPPENED IN THAT YEAR, Leo turned one obviously and we had another baby

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       A YEAR HAD PASSED, A LOT HAD HAPPENED IN THAT YEAR, Leo turned one obviously and we had another baby. A baby girl, Dahlia Diana Reid. We call her DeeDee for short, she's smart just like Spencer I got pregnant with her 6 months after we had Leo. Yes I know it was soon and she most definitely wasn't planned but she was a blessing in disguise. Leo adores her and Spencer loves having two little ones around.

"Leo come on let's get your shoes on!" I yelled out to him, bouncing Dahlia in my arms.
"Okays Mama!" Leo ran to me, giggling.

He was way more mentally and physically developed than most one year olds. He talked up a storm, walked all over the place. He truly was an angel. He sat down on the couch and I looked around before calling out to Spencer.

"Spence! Can I have some help?" I called to him.
"Yup! Coming!" He rushed over to me, he took Dahlia from me so I can put Leo's shoes on.

Once I put his shoes on I let him go play and then I took Dahlia from Spence so I could get her ready. We had a case and Penelope always offered to watch them while we were away and they loved it. She spoiled them rotten. Once I was done changing her I got her into her carrier and grabbed my go bag. Spencer took Leo to the car and buckled him up, I carried DeeDee to the car and buckled her carrier in. Spencer went back in and grabbed our bags and put them in the back with the kids. I sat in the passenger's seat while Spencer climbed in the driver's seat and began to drive toward work. I watched out the window, letting out a small hum while he drove. When we got there Spence got the bags and I took the kids inside, Leo jumped up and down.

"Look it's the tiny geniuses!" Emily smiled.
"Auntie Em!" Leo smiled, clapping.
"Hey bubba!" Emily smiled, picking him up.

I walked over, holding Dahlia. She looked around in my arms, giggling up a storm. I sat down at my desk as I looked at the case file on my desk. Dahlia pulled at my shirt and I sighed a little before leaning down to grab a bottle from her bag, glad that I pumped before we came. I put the nipple of the bottle up to her mouth and she began to eat happily. Spencer sat at his desk, Leo on his lap watching him do whatever he was doing.

"Daddy can I help?" He asked.
"Sure bubba" Spencer smiled, handing him a piece of scrap paper and letting him scribble on it so he can 'help.'

I watched them in awe, I then looked back down at Dahlia who continued to eat. She ate good and I was thankful for that. When she was done I burped her and she giggled, I smiled at how happy she was constantly. I held her while I continued to go over the case file, Penelope came over already gushing over her niece and nephew.

"Oh the tiny baby wonders!" She squealed.
"Auntie Pen!" Leo got off of Spencer's lap and ran to her.

Penelope lifted him up and kissed all over the little boy's face. He giggled up a storm, kicking his legs and smiling wide. I looked over and watched them before realizing Dahlia was asleep in my arms. I set her back in her carrier to sleep so now I had both my arms which meant double the speed to work on this case file. Soon JJ came over with a frown on her face and we all knew what that meant, a case.

"We gotta go, we will brief on the plane. That is what Hotch said" JJ explained.
"Okay let us say goodbye.." I frowned before standing up.

I picked up Dahlia and gave her a kiss before hugging her, she stayed asleep thankfully. I sighed and set her back in the carrier. I took Leo from Penelope and gave him a kiss and he gave me a hug.

"Daddy and Mommy will be back as soon as we can okay?" I whispered.
"Okay mommy." He replied.
"Be good and take care of your sister" Spencer added before kissing the two little ones.

We grabbed our bags and soon rushed to the SUV that then took us to the jet. I held Spencer's hand as we were driven to the jet, once we got there we got out and got on the jet. We all sat down and began to go over the case.

"Harlem Greene 34, a family lawyer. She was found dead in her home four hours ago in New Orleans Louisiana." Hotch spoke.
"What makes the police think this is a serial killer?" JJ asked.
"There was a similar murder a few days ago Jenna Roland 34 a teacher, she was also found dead in her home" Rossi added.
"This might be a stretch but is there any chance this could all lead back to some sort of childhood trauma? Teacher, custody battles?" I questioned.
"No no y/n that could actually be it. Garcia look up any nasty custody cases that involved teachers with statements." Derek demanded.
"On it!" Garcia replied.

Before hanging up on the jet she picked up Dahlia and showed her to us and then showed Leo who was playing with his toys on the ground. Spencer and I smiled before thanking her. We relaxed the best we could but I knew Spencer was far from being able to relax, he didn't like being away from the kids and neither did I but it was our job and we had to do it. Once we landed we all got out, Hotch sent Spencer and I to the crime scene, Morgan and Rossi went to the M.E, JJ and Emily went to interview the parents and Hotch went to the station to get everything set up.

When we arrived at the Greene's household. We put our gloves on and walked inside, immediately we noticed a sign of struggle. A vase was broken and pictures were thrown all over the place. I frowned and looked at the photo, she was a single mom with a four year old little girl. I looked to Spence who I could tell was struggling, probably inserting himself into the scene. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, I kissed his cheek and frowned.

"The kids are safe with Penelope Spence...they are okay, I'm okay. You're okay" I whispered.
"I know it's just...this little girl is now all alone y/n. She has no one, her mom was the only person she had and that was just ripped away from her." Spencer replied.
"I know Spence but we are gonna find the asshole who took this little girls mom okay?" I looked at him.

He nodded and we began to look around again. I found something written on the walls. 'Stop looking in places you'll get hurt' What the hell does that even mean? I called Spencer over to show him and he read it over I swear forty times.

"I don't know what that could even mean y/n..." He replied.
"I know. I'm confused as well...Is he talking about the victim or us?" I tilted my head.
"I think the victim." Spencer replied.

But oh how we were so so wrong

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Welcome baby Dahlia (or DeeDee!)

𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 [𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now