"Lena" he said, he walked up towards the girls.

"Mr. Morely" she said with a shy smile over her face.

"I've noticed you haven't been feeling very well the past few days" he said, Lena felt Sophia and Laurel look at her, she knew Meghan had her eyes locked over Mr. Morely's face "So I case you are not feeling ok, you can work until noon, until you feel better"

"Of course" smiled Lena "But, I'm feeling better now"

"Ok" smiled Mr. Morely "Just wanted you to know"

Lena nodded and dared to ask "How are you feeling?"

Mr. Morely felt the eyes of the other girls land over him, but he didn't look away from Lena, instead he gave her a genuine smile and answered "Better, the swore is disappearing"

"Is it?" thought Meghan and Lena.

"That's good" she smiled.

"It is" he smiled, he turned to the other girls "Well, I'll let you get back to work, have a nice evening"

And with that Mr. Morely walked back to his office, Lena instinctively looked down at her hands as Meghan, Sophia and Laurel turned to look at her, she knew Meghan wanted her to stay away from Mr. Morely and right now, that didn't sound like a bad idea.

"What was that about?" asked Laurel, Lena looked at her and shrugged.

"Nothing" answered Meghan.

Lena couldn't help but love Meghan's motherly nature, she always jumped in to help whoever she thought might need her help, and right now she could tell that Lena didn't have the strength in her to answer the accusations that were about to come from Sophia's mouth.

"What happened to him?" asked Sophia, she narrowed her eyes as she looked at Lena.

"He had a fight" Lena answered.

"With whom?" asked Sophia.

"Does it matter?" asked Meghan, she looked down at her watch "Let's go, Le, out shift is officially over"

"You like him don't you?" Sophia spat just as Lena stood up from her spot in front of the register, Meghan looked at Sophia with a killer glare.

"Mr. Morely?" asked Lena, she looked at Sophia, she was done with her high school bullshit, she was done with all of it, Sophia was just a younger version of Linda and Lena was sick of both of them. "No"

"He seems to like you" hissed Sophia.

"Oh my God" whispered Lena as she turned to look at Meghan.

Meghan had a pissed off look over her face, but deep inside she couldn't really argue with what Sophia had just said, she too thought that Mr. Morely seemed to like Lena a lot more than he liked the rest of the girls.

It almost looked like he had a crush on her.

"He seems to like you a lot" Sophia said.

Lena leaned against the register, her eyes locked over Sophia's "Listen to me, Sophia" Laurel looked at Meghan, and for the first time in a long while, Meghan felt a chill down her spine as she saw the look on Lena's face "You better not say that again, ever"

"Or what?!" snapped Sophia.

Lena narrowed her eyes, the last thing she wanted right now was for Mr. Morely to come out of the office to see what the fuss was about; but she would be damned if she was going to let Sophia bully her.

"I will come down here and I will beat the life out of you" said Lena, Sophia's eyes grew twice their size "I will rip the hair out of your head and I will punch your nose back into your face" there was a pause and Meghan felt an urge to hug Lena because this conversation with Sophia was long overdue "Am I clear?"

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