Prologue : Regret (Edited)

Start from the beginning

The next picture was of my first love and high school friend, Sarah. I remembered the day she died like it was yesterday. Her colours had changed. If only I had believed in her, I could have helped her- she could still be here. If only I had been brave enough.

"If only."

I slammed the desk and shoved the photos back into the diary, which is also filled with articles of their different cases.

The cases of those I had failed to protect...

Suddenly, my smartphone rang and I glanced at the screen

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Suddenly, my smartphone rang and I glanced at the screen. The hospital was trying to contact me with a video call.

"Sir," the nurse starts to say, "Please come here quick, your mother just went into cardiac arrest."

At that moment, I saw it. The colours of fate. My mom was about to die.

"No- wait! I'll be there as soon as I can, please do anything you can to save her!" I shouted, running out of the office and to the bus stop nearby.

"Shit- hey! Wait for me!"

But the bus was gone.

"Fuck it," I cursed, already planning to run all the way to the hospital.

"Please make it in time," I willed, running as fast as I could until I finally reached the intersection of the hospital.

Then I saw it again.

The colours of fate.

This time, it was on myself.

"What-" I couldn't believe what I had seen. A black cat meowed, staring straight at me from the other corner of the pedestrian lane.

 A black cat meowed, staring straight at me from the other corner of the pedestrian lane

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Before I could process what was happening, a truck came speeding towards me.

I guess this is it

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I guess this is it.

Fate finally had its claws on me.

Many would say that time waits for no-one, that it will go on indefinitely. And that Time and Fate are two things that are interconnected, because in time you will find the fate of your life and your fate itself affects the time you have in your life...


"Hang in there."

"I don't think he will make it..."

I hear murmurs from people around me. My sight becomes blurred and I finally close my eyes.

If only time is on my side, then I could fight against fate and fix everything...

If only...

(PROLOG END) - (Colors of Fate)

Colors of Fate 

Story By : SinisterSoul

Edited By : Sarakura0218

illustration By : SallyGozaly

Authors Note :

Hey everyone, nice to meet you i'm SinisterInside author of Colors of Fate, this will be my first project and also the first story that i decide to write, hope all of you enjoy the story thus far, i will be uploading more of the story in my spare time.

As this is my very first project and my very first story, i would like to say sorry if there are any grammatical error or unintended mistakes that i have made in the story. If any of you have any suggestions and critics, feel free to comment in the comment section.

Thank you for everyone support it would really mean a lot if you could vote this story and share it with your friends if you enjoyed my work.

Thank you again everyone, i dont even know how many times i've said thank you already XD

Well see you again in chapters to come everyone.


Colors of Fate (EDITED/ON-HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now