Chapter 7

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"I'm so bored," Annabeth whines down the line, as soon as Percy picks up. He's fresh out of the shower, towel still around his waist, and he has a pile of homework on his desk that he's making large efforts to avoid.
"How bored?" Percy decides to indulge her.

"So bored. Bored enough to call you and talk about how bored I am. What are you up to right now?"

"Right now?" he questions, glancing around his room for something more interesting to offer. "Uh. Just… standing around. In my towel. Not doing homework."

He can almost hear her rolling her eyes, and it might be the highlight of his day. "Put some clothes on and do your homework."

"It's boring," Percy complains, though he does decide to opt for clothes. He sets the call on speakerphone while he fumbles through his drawers. "Do you want to hang out?"

"Hang out?"

"I mean, you can come over if you want, or I can come over to yours, or we can go get lunch, or I can look up what movies are playing…" Percy trails off. "It's been a while since we went to the movies together. We should do that."

"Yeah, sorry," Annabeth says sheepishly. "Luke used to get so mad when we did go, sometimes. I figured it stopped being worth the argument."

Which shouldn't sting, but it sort of does, at least for Percy. His friendship is less important than a petty argument. "No, I get it. Really. I'm gonna get dressed and you should see what's playing and pick something out."

"You get a say, too," she protests, and Percy smiles at his phone for a second.

"Not today. This is Annabeth Day. Percy Loves His Best Friend Annabeth and Wants To Do Something Nice For Her Day."

Annabeth laughs, but it's hardly unkind. She sounds happy. "That's a long title."

He sighs, feigning exhaustion. "We'll shorten it to Percy Loves Annabeth Day if it makes you happy."

She doesn't answer, so his eyebrows dip in concern. She's made a habit of getting far away, lately, stopping mid-sentence with no intention of continuing it. He can't help but fret over it, even if he knows the source of her preoccupation is Luke's absence. "Hey, Percy?" He makes some sort of noise to let her know he's listening as he drags a shirt over his head. "Thank you. For everything."

Percy can feel his cheeks heat up, and he's only half-sure why. "You know it's not a problem. You're welcome."

"I'll pick a movie," she tells him. "And you're the best best friend in the entire world."

She hangs up before he can challenge the claim, and texts him a few seconds later with a movie title.


Percy was telling nothing but the truth when he said he and Annabeth hadn't made a trip to the movies in a while. There had been a time where they made it a point to go nearly every month—Percy always wanting to see the new action movie and Annabeth begging for him to take her to the films based on books she had read. However, the time had arose where suddenly Luke wasn't as comfortable with Percy and Annabeth going out together, even if the craziest it got between them was throwing popcorn kernels.

Percy wonders if Luke's been insecure for a while. He wonders if it wasn't just a new thing evoked by Annabeth's sudden cold shoulder, and it takes Percy a few minutes of careful thought to realize the reason he and Luke never really got along.

With a sidelong glance at Annabeth, Percy feels unexplainably stupid. It's so obvious—or, at least, had been obvious—and yet he missed it. Luke was so plainly threatened by Percy and intimidated by his close relationship with Annabeth. That would shed light on why Luke could be so short with Percy at times and give him glares when Annabeth turned away.

She laughs at a line from the movie that Percy missed, but he gets to watch the way her face lights up, so he finds that he isn't too bothered by the fact that he's not in on the joke.

Halfway through the movie, Annabeth catches him staring. Silently, she nods towards the movie screen as if to say, 'hey, idiot, pay attention.' He hears her voice in his head like they're working some kind of telepathy magic, and he can't help but grin as he turns away. She presses her shoulder against his, and it's—nice.

It's not that Luke's place as Annabeth's boyfriend had prohibited any touching between Percy and his best friend, but it feels nice to be able to touch without worrying if Luke'll be cross with both of them. He nudges her with his shoulder, and she mirrors the action.

There's a fluttering in his chest that can only be a side effect of the happiness that comes along with spending some much needed time with Annabeth. He's missed their best friend outings.

Percy does try to pay attention to the movie, but he's more distracted by the way he can feel the heat of her skin through two layers of fabric.

Annabeth leans her head against his shoulder on the drive home, which can't be comfortable while he's shifting gears. She doesn't move anyways.

Can Be Both (A Percabeth AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن