Me and Louis sat there for a while, not really talking about anything important, we just talked a little bit about school, it was actually really enjoyable honestly.

A few minutes later the waitress came to order for us.

"Hello, welcome to Shelly's Shack, what can i get for you boys?"

Her gaze lingered on my for a moment, and she bite her lip giving me a smile, I decided to smile back at her, nodding my head.

"I'll just have a chocolate milkshake and a large fry, what about you Harry?" Louis stated.

"Um.. I'll have a strawberry milkshake." I said, looking at the waitress and smiling politely.

"Coming right up." She said, giving me a wink before heading back to wherever they make the food.

"She likes you." Louis said once she was out of earshot.

"Nah, shes just being nice and doing her job." I said, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"No, she definitely likes you Harry, you should ask for her number." Louis said, it didn't really sound like he meant it though.

"Not my type." I said simply, shrugging.

"Really? Then what is your type?" He asked, putting air quotes when he said 'type'.

"Uhm, I've never really thought about it, i don't think I've actually had a crush on a girl before." I replied honestly, i just need to meet the right person.

"Never a crush on any girl eh? What about guys?" Louis asked, peering into my eyes.

I swear I almost choked on air at the moment, my eyes widened and a blush formed on my cheeks, but i didn't know why i was blushing.

"What- no. I'm not gay." I replied, laughing nervously, I didn't know why i was so nervous though.

"Hm, you're not? What was that blushing i just saw then huh?" Louis teased, raising an eyebrow at me.

I opened my mouth, but before i could reply the waitress came back with a tray that had our orders on it.

I smiled at her while she sat everything on the table, Louis just looked at her though, there was a look in his eye but I couldn't tell what it was. 

She smiled at us both, brushing her hand against my shoulder before leaving.

Me and Louis sat there for a while, drinking our milkshakes and eating the fries, it was quiet and slightly awkward now for some reason.

"Hey Harry, try this." Louis said out of nowhere, he then dipped one of the fries in his milkshake and held it up to my mouth.

"What? I'm not eating that." I said, scrunching my nose up at the fry covered in chocolate milkshake.

"C'mon, just trust me, you gotta try it." He urged jokingly, moving it closer to my face.

I gave him a look, but opened my mouth nonetheless and let him put it in.

I chewed it and scrunched my face up at the taste, gross.

"That's gross." I said, swallowing it the best I could.

"What? No you're lying that's literally the best thing ever invented." Louis argued playfully, kicking my under the table.

"No No, seriously that's terrible." I replied back, taking a drink of my milkshake to get the taste out of my mouth.

"You're incorrect." Louis said, dipping another fry in his milkshake and eating it.

I was about to respond, when once again, the waitress came over and interrupted me.

Falling (H.S. X L.T.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora