Chapter 2: Drinks

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        "I'm getting my master's in business management at UCLA," I said before sipping the drink again. It was fruity, and I liked the tingle of the alcohol in my throat.  "I managed to get the university to let me customize a five year program instead of an eight year and worked my ass off over the summers. By the end of August I'll be done with school."

        "Jesus, Laur," she said with a gaping breath, probably thinking about all the time I've spent in calss instead of at the beach. I laughed at her choice of words, nodding. It amazed me how easy it was to talk to Stella. How it felt like only a few months, instead of years, had passed. "Wow, management in what?"

        "Anything, really," I said, shrugging at the thought, knowing all of the extra classes I took just to have the selection once I left school. "I've spent a lot of time in class since I came out here."

        I was aware that she vaguely understood the actual reason I came out here, why I packed my bags and left. At first, everyone was convinced it was because of the fact that I couldn't stand being around Stella with Zack there. I guess what I realized in the end was that it was more than Zack. It was Craig, it was my hidden feelings, and my need to smell fresh air. Sure, Zack was an extra reason to get on the first flight here, but I knew there was more to it than that.

        "How, uh, did things turn out with you?" she asked, curiously. It wasn't prying, just concern. 

        "I'm still going," I said without adding much to it. I didn't think she needed to know. "He's heading off to Europe for the summer for an exchange program at the end of this week. He'll be back when I'm done with school.

        "That's always good," she gave me an off smile; I knew how close she and Zack were. It must've been awkward to hear.

        "So, how is everyone?"

        Stella thought about it for a moment, her face fell just barely, thinking about all the things in the past that had changed for the better and worse, all of the things I missed out on. I was still trying to figure out if they bugged me or not.

        "Well, Jack's the same, still single and definitely doing his own thing," she rolled her eyes. "He's just as immature as he was five years ago, I can tell you that much.:

        I felt my lips curl up in the corners. Jack was always someone that could make me laugh. He was always the first to introduce himself, the one to break the ice.

        "Rian and Kara broke up about a year ago; things just didn't end up working out with them. Kara still visits, and is pretty close with everyone, including Rian. He had a new girlfriend from a band they toured with a few months ago. She's a sweetheart, even under the circumstances," she said, a sour expression at the thought of her best friend and her boyfriend not being together anymore.        

        Kara and Rian had been together since their junior year of high school and everyone assumed they'd be the first to get married, have babies, and settle down. What the heck happened?

        "What about, uh -- Zack?" I finally asked hesitantly, not sure how I liked the taste of his name in my mouth.

        She gave me a sweet smile, considering her words. "He's still the same old Zack. He really didn't change much, maybe a little less shy," she said, laughing once. "But he's still the same, sweet kid."

        I nodded at the thought, taking in the image of Zack now. I saw their pictures and I knew when they were in town for shows because their posters were everywhere. They were pretty famous now-a-days, even for an alternative band. I could never see Zack changing, or acting differently than he did in high school. It was almost a relief to hear that his personality didn't change with the new fame.

        "Well about you and Alex? How is being apart going?" I asked, curiously. I was almost surprised they lasted this long. I was shocked that Stella managed to hold Alex's attention over the years.

        "Uh..." she started awkwardly, a large smile appearing on her mouth as she fiddled with a finger on her left hand. I was almost confused about what she was doing before I noticed a glint; her ring finger had jewelry on it.

        I reached for her hand, steadying it to make sure I wasn't imagining the princess cut diamond on her finger. A large stone set in the center with an X pattern under gallery. There were three smaller diamonds of the same cut on both sides of the larger one on a beautiful silver band. It was gorgeous, modern, and my heart jumped into my throat when I realized what that meant.

        "Oh my God!" I breathed out, looking at it with wide eyes. Her eyes were on me, beaming. I laughed, unable to believe that Alex proposed to a girl. He committed to settling down. I couldn't even believe it. "No way! When?"

        "Two months ago," Stella said as she admired the ring now comfortable on her small fingers. It wasn't too big, and it wasn't too small. Alex must have spent weeks trying to find a ring that matched Stella as well as this one did.  "He was about to leave for a short tour and we went golfing at 7/11," she said with a beaming smile.

        I remembered the time Zack brought me with them to 'golf' off the local 7/11 roof. It was a tradition the group had, something I'd completely forgotten about. They had old clubs and balls they'd smash into the parking lot, venting about things that bothered them.

        I encouraged her to keep going by rolling my wrist, hand making a circular motion while I took another sip. She began again with a bubbily voice," He put it at the bottome of the bucket inside the box. He had this long, stuttering speech about how he didn't let me fall off the roof the first time he brought me, and it was just..the sweetest thing I've ever heard."

        "That's amazing," I grinned at her, feeling like we've never been apart. Stella is a girl that's so easy to get along with, effortless to be happy for. Her grin was wide and bright, she was glowing. "What did your dad say?" I asked, remembering how much her dad hated him when we were younger.

        "He was actually really happy," she laughed, so much joy in her voice. "He finally realized a few years ago that he was a pretty decent guy."

        I leaned back in my chair as Stella ordered two more margaritas, unable to wrap my head around how many things have changed. "I can't believe you got Alex Gaskarth to settle down," I mumbled quietly, looking around us to make sure they weren't any nosy listeners. I'm sure the last thing they needd was someone to grill them about it, especially if it was fan blog. 

        "Not yet, it's going to be a long engagement," she said giggling, leaning her hand on the counter. "He hasn't even realy announced it to their fans yet, even though I'm sure most of them know. I don't know, though. We'l have to plan it aorund al the band stuff, but they're so big right now, and I just, I don't want to add to the stress he's feeling. He can barely gocus on one thing at a time, let alone plan a wedding."

        She rolled her eyes, but there was only adoration beind the gesture. She was in so deep, and if he proposed, it was obvious he was more seirous about it than anyone would have thought. I could imagine the way he showed off the ring to the guys before asking her, the look on Zack's face. I wondered if he was happy for him or if he thought he was ready for it. He was always so good at things like that, I always used to go to him for advice.

        Then I felt something in the put of my stomach, something I've been pushing away for years. This was something I thought I could forget happened. I thought I could forget the guy that impacted my life so much in high school. Zack. It was right then, with Stella smiling at me, and Zack's picture in my head, that I remembered how much I missed him.

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