Chapter 18: Epilogue

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It's been months since my coming of age ceremony, and since... I healed the world..?

The morning after the incident, Lucas explained what'd happened to dad and I.

Honestly, I was really surprised that Athanasia was the weapon. Wow, I knew she wasn't ordinary!

Oh, and Felix and Lily have been more intimate than ever! One time I told Felix he can't steal Lily from me in front of everyone including Lily.

Haha, of course the both of them were blushing like heck! However, Felix chuckled and said, "I'm afraid I can't give her up, your highness."

It was so fun seeing Lily blush! Gosh, can't they just get married already?!

Oh, and papa and I have been closer than ever! He even lets me walk in his office without notice, he lets me kiss his cheeks, and... Pull his hair... Haha..

In fact, I slapped him one day since I never got the chance to after all he's done. Man, he looked so bewildered, and then looked guilty. Of course, I hugged him after that. We can't let a cinnamon suffer, can we?

Come to think of it, Ijikiel has been doing better than that white dog. Ever since he was executed in the public, the Alpheus was led by Ijikiel. I guess he hated them so much that he didn't even mourn for their death. I still feel bad for him, more so since I rejected his proposal. Oh, but I heard the Lily girl caught his attention! Haha, I guess another love will blossom. After all, the male lead shouldn't be left out, yes?

Well as for me, I still haven't confessed to Lucas. I expect his reaction would be:

"You like me? Of course, everyone likes me. I like me too."


Yes, I bet his arrogance would show. And another reaction he might show is:

A speechless look of disgust.


And another reaction would be:




I was put in a bad mood as soon as I thought of that while walking in my garden.

Then, the person I was just thinking of appeared before me.



"Ah! Calm down!!"

"H-How could I?! I told you not to do that!" I smacked him.

"Ow,ow. I'm sorry already.!"

"Sorry my face. You still do it!"

"Don't you like it?"

"Wh- What.." I hint of blush was shown in my face.

"Of.. Of course not you idiot!" I looked away.

"Hmm... Fine." Lucas sulked.

Ah, I'm still so weak with his beauty..!

"Anyways, here." Lucas took a rose out.

"What?" This was definitely from my garden. Oh, how dare he.

"I chose it specially for you. You like roses, right?"

"Yes..." I didn't want to ruin the mood by telling him it doesn't make me him to be given a rose that's plucked from my own garden.

"I made it with magic. That way, it can leave for a long time without water."

Ah, so I was wrong.

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