The Letter

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Its a hot summers day in July and I am sat in my bedroom with the window open and a book on my lap. Im not really and outdoor person. Im a book person. I enjoy reading. Its my thing. My world away from reality if you know what I mean.

I can get lost in a book for ages and only get brought out when someone has made food or a new book. My two favourite things. Books and food.

I look up and I hear the post hit the floor in the hall. I place my book of English literature on my bed. I love reading. I leave my bedroom a and head towards the stairs. I can see a big pile of letters on the mat. Boring.

I jump down the stairs one by one. I may be eleven but I act like a five year old. I jump the last three steps and land with a thump. I slide onto my knees and pick up the letters. I scan through them : bill, bill, postcard, leaflet, more bills. Then I stop. In my hands lies a very thick yellow envelope that is some kind of parchment. And it is addressed to me. I have never recieved letters before. Who could this be from?

Excitement bubbles up inside me. Not because I've got a letter. But because I don't know who it's from! That's the best part about getting a letter.  You may not know who it's from!

I stand up. My eyes flicker to the pile of other letters. I decide to pick them up. I need to give them to mum and dad. I turn around and head towards the kitchen. My eyes are concentrated on the yellow envelope that is currently in my hands.

"Was that the post dear?" Asks my mum. She is tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes and is currently making breakfast.

I nod my head and I hand her the letters and walk towards the table. I perch on a chair and place the letter on the table in front of me.

"Whats that you got there Harry? " asks Dad. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He always calls me Harry, even though im called Harriet. I love it though.

"A letter." I reply. Mum and dad exchange glances. Then they smile and look towards me with huge eyes.

"Go on. Open it." Says mum eagerly. It's not her letter yet she sounds more enthusiastic about it than me! But I do want to see what's inside.

My fingers fumble around the flap. I throw the envelop to one side and notice an emblem in ink on the flap: a shield with a lion, snake, badger and eagle on it. My eyes go back to the yellow letter in my hands. I open it and read it aloud:

Dear Miss Bowers. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Wait. What?" I ask to no one in particular. What on earth is that? Is this some kind of joke? I mean,  witchcraft and wizardry? That's not real!

Mum and dad smile with joy and are saying things like: so proud, always knew she was.

"Knew im what? I dont understand." I tell them quickly and read through the whole letter again. Are they playing a trick on me? They know I'm gullible.

Mum and dad bend down and kneel next to the chair that I'm sat on. Mum takes the letter from my hands and reads through it, excited. Dad reads it over her shoulder.

I just sit there and watch them. What are they on about? This is a whole joke. There's no such thing as witchcraft or wizardry. It just doesn't make any theological sense. Science makes sense. Not this.

"Your a witch Harriet. " Says mum.

My jaw drops.

So I am currently under going major editing on this book whilst writing my Lost Girl book so bear with me while this one gets better because my updates me be slower on my new book.

Okay.  Thanks!

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