Chapter 12: Panic Attack

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Rosé P.O.V

Here I'm in my office on my day off to study for upcoming professional exam and all I can think is about one person and can't concentrate. You got it right my exam is near.

It's already 2 and a half month past my marriage and I thought it won't affect me but it's affecting me in a good way. Chanyeol and I are pretty close. We do have a meal together once a day.

Every page I turn I could hear Chanyeol's voice,
"For me it is committing myself to work instead of people and things."
How can someone think of this as his ideal happy life. All of us need people around us who cares and loves us. Ain't all humans want that? Is Chanyeol even a human?

Ugh.. I couldn't study so, I decided to go back his home. I packed my stuff and went back to Chanyeol's penthouse.

It was 5 in the evening, as I unlocked the main door and entered inside. I had a lot of time after freshening up so, I decided to declutter some stuff and place it in the storage room.

As I was arranging some stuff on the shelf the door closed. I thought it's wind so I went near to open it but to my despair it was locked. I called out,
"Ahna! Please don't do this,it's no fun?"

No reply. I realised I didn't see Ahna today after coming back but I decided to again announce this time a little too loud and with a knock at the door,
"AHNA! Please don't do it, it's no fun."

Just when I realised I'm alone at home the anxiety of being alone in a confined space kicked me, making be stumble to the corner.

Chanyeol's P.O.V

I had a busy day at work when Ahna called me and asked me to leave early since she had some chores to do at her home. So I let her go.

It was about 7 when I reached home and when I entered my room I heard muffled voices from the corner of the hallway.

I went near the voice, it was coming out from storage room. I tried opening it but the door was jammed. I put all my effort to open it and to my luck it opened in my second attempt.

Just when I found Rosé sitting at the corner, knees hugging her body, face buried inside, and breathing unsteadily.

I crouched down and patted her head when she jerked. After she realised it was me, she hugged me tightly as if her life was dependent on it. I patted her back to make her feel safe but then suddenly her arms dropped to my waist.

And there she was in my arms lifeless and pale. I jerked her to wake her up but she already passed out.

Everything was blank around me as if my mind had given up and ai had nothing to think about. Before I could respond to my actions, I found myself kicking off the start engine of my car and racing my car to her hospital.

I held her hand tightly and called Suho hyung on my way for emergency checkup or whatever they call it in medical terminology.

As I pulled over in front of the hospital, I went to the passenger seat, unbuckled her seatbelt and picked her up bridal style. I tossed the keys to security guard to park my car.

As I entered the ER, I was met by anxious eyes of Dr. Jisoo. I told her about the situation and she ordered the nurse to get ready a shot of citalopram and then she placed some IV fluids.

I stayed there during the entire procedure. Why am I so tensed even if doctors told me that she'll be okay soon. Why I want to see smile on her face and can't bother seeing her sick.

In panic I called Baekhyun and Sehun. They told me they already were on their way since Kai called them earlier.

I was sitting beside her, busy on my phone when I suddenly observed some movements from the lateral side of my eyes. I turned my head towards Rosé and she's up.

"Are you okay? Should I call the doctor?" I asked her.

She shook her head in no. She took a few minutes to process what's happening, since when she realised her face became pale and to my worry I ran outside and called the doctor.

This time Dr. Jisoo was busy with some surgery so Dr. Ahn came to check on her along with Suho hyung.

After the doctor left, Suho hyung sat near and ruffled her hair and what he said hit me so hard that I went to another world,

"Rosé, why did you close the door when you knew you're claustrophobic. Shouldn't you be careful." He said.

"I didn't. I think it was the wind." She replied.

Wait. She's Claustrophobic? And dotting all the puzzle I realised it was my fault. My fault I didn't realise when she stood next to me in the elevator. My fault not telling her Ahna is on leave. My fault I didn't get the lock changed. My fault that I didn't try to know a fact that everyone knows except me. Shouldn't I know about that? After all I'm her husband with whom she has a lifetime.. wait no few months to spend.

Do you want a panic attack now my inner sarcastic voice screamed and I came out of trance to the real word by the voices of two most annoying human beings.

Sehun and Baekhyun entered her room partially yelling at me, partially asking her about her condition.

She told us that she's okay but deep down I knew she's just doing it to make other people less worried about her. After she's discharged, I personally asked Suho hyung to get her a day or two off and he helped me like always.

On our way back I asked her in a low soft tone,
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't have my phone with me inside." She replied.

"Everyone knows and I didn't know." I said to her.

'I vowed to take care of you in front of our families.' I said in my head.

"You never asked." She said weakly still recovering from the shock.

"Let's not argue. You should rest." I asked her politely.

As we reached home, I held her shoulder and supporting her I walked her to the bed. After tucking her in, I kissed her forehead impulsively and went to my side and turned the lamp off.

I couldn't sleep entire night with so many questions in my head. When it started? How did she manage panic attacks being alone in Korea away from home? How did Suho hyung knew?

I turned the lamp on but dimmed its light and studied her features carefully. And asked myself a question that going to keep me sleepless for next few days.

'What did she do to desrve all this?'


(A/N; Sorry I know the chapter is small but I'll compensate soon.
I just got a belated birthday surprise from the person I talked about the other day hehe!

Also if you're claustrophobic write in the comments how do you cope with your panic attacks.)

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