Chapter 2: Proposal

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Rosé P.O.V

Mom and dad came to visit me a week ago. I was so happy they came to see me after so long. Alice has been really busy with work so, she couldn't make it.

They asked me to come home as soon as possible today since they have something important to discuss before they leave tomorrow.

After the surgery was over, I went to rest for a few minutes and then I had to visit the ward to check on some of my patients. I switched my night duty with Wendy because of my family so, I was free now.

I grabbed my car keys and went to our family house where I only live when my parents are in Korea. I'm scared to live in large houses alone. Funny isn't it, that I'm not afraid of performing surgeries but staying at a mansion alone.

"Mom dad I'm home." I yelled while entering the living room.

"Oh kiddo. Go freshen up. I'll warm some food." My mom replied coming out of her room.

"No, mom tell me what is it? What do you wanna talk about?" I said since I knew they were tensed from the day to come to visit me but they kept hiding the reason.

"Rosie sit beside me." My dad patted on the space next to him on the couch. I went there and sat beside him.

"Well. Rosé our business is undergoing some loss. And I'm afraid our company won't able to handle this.." My dad said and sighed and my mom motioned him to continue.

"So you know my friend Mr. Park from Park Enterprises, he is going to help us. But he's a proposal in order to run the deal." My dad said not looking into my eyes.

"What proposal dad?" I asked softly.

"They want my daughter to marry their son. You and their son." He said in a low tone.

I was taken back but I kept my composure and said,

"Hmm?" Both my parents looked at me.

"I'll marry him." I said while smiling meekly. Both my parents sighed in relief.

"We won't pressurise you. It's on you whatever decision you wanna take." Mom said and I nodded.

"Dad when will the wedding happen? Can it be delayed for next 4-5 months. I have an exam. I want to take that before it." I asked.

"We'll talk about this with his parents. Thank you honey. Thank you so much." My dad said side-hugging me. "He's a good guy. I've met him twice. He seems to be caring and loving person."

I went to freshen up in my room. As I closed the door behind me, I fell on the floor, tears rolling over my cheeks. I wanted to say no. A big NO! But the way my dad asked with his glistening eyes, I wasn't able to say no. My dad worked hard for his company. He didn't even say no when I asked him to pursue my dreams leaving his. And the fact that he can't ask Alice because she's already in a relationship made me fall deeper into this pothole.


Three days ago the biggest decision of my life was taken. I was on duty but there wasn't any new patient in my department. So, I went to ER where my friend Jisoo was on duty.

She was busy with a patient so, I waited for her observing people around me. Every kind of person was here. Some people having the best day of life while others having the worst day of their life. Some had the first of their life while others having the last day here.

The train of my thoughts was broken when Jisoo came near me.
"You alright?" She whispered. I shook my head.

"How about a drink after work at Wendy's apartment?" I asked.

"Okay. I'll text Suho. And you ask wendy." She said while texting her husband.

"Already did." I said and she patted my back.

After work we went to Wendy's apartment and I told them about what's happening in my life. They were shook but Jisoo told me about her story and how happy is she after marriage now. But that doesn't count for me. Hers was love, mine is arranged to a person I've never met.

Chanyeol P.O.V

It was 7pm and I just entered my passcode for my penthouse when I realised someone is already there. I ran inside realising my mom's cooking for me and my dad sat on the relaxing chair.

"What a surprise!" I ran to my mom and hugged her. My mom is one of the people that matter to me more than everything. And the fact that she's a heart problem always make me worry about her.

"Loey we had some important issue to discuss." My dad said.

"A deal or a new project?" I asked while drinking orange juice.

"A PROPOSAL." He said.

"What kind of proposal?" I asked while sitting on the couch turning on TV.

"About you getting married to my friend's daughter?" He said nonchalantly like he just stated a fact.

"Good joke." I said looking into his serious eyes.

"I'm not joking." He replied.

"Dad! I don't want a marriage now. I need a break and I want to achieve more than this so please stop talking about marriage" I was shouting with anger.

"Don't raise your voice at your father." my mom said with frustration.

"Sorry mom, But all this abrupt discussion doesn't make any sense." I replied.

My mom came near me and patted my shoulder,
"Loey, I've never asked for anything. I never did. All I want even now is your happiness.."

"But this isn't my happiness mom." I cut her off.

"I know. It might not be now but will be later. I've met her, she's such a lively soul better than all the girls I ever met. Trust me." She said and I didn't reply.

After some minutes of silence she said,
"Please do it for me." I could see tear in eyes.

I hugged her. I can never see her sad. Is she blackmailing me to agree like this? She knows it's working right!

"Okay I'll do but on one condition." I said.

"What condition?" My dad asked.

"It's for me to decide and her to listen." I mumbled and I knew no-one heard me.

While a smile broke on my mom's face and her face lit up. Only for you mom.

And thinking about that condition I chuckled.

(A/N; I hope you liked this chapter. And if you did please consider voting.

Also is it just me or all of us miss Chanyeol. I hope he's doing well.)

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