First chapter from book three

Start from the beginning

Closed my eyes to imagine I was somewhere else. On a ranch with a cowboy. Licked my lips with an image of a sexy cowboy stood with his Stetson on his head and no shirt. "My God, you look insanely hot," The tone escaped my mouth. Open one eye to see Kane stood staring at me. "Are you feeling alright?" His smirk is not going unnoticed. Shake my head with attitude while my eyes rolled.

He steps closer to me in his mid-thigh shorts and no shirt. His dark hair spiked from his fingers running through it. "Did you just roll your eyes at me again," He asked while his eyes crease a little and he raises a brow? "So what if I did," I respond, taking my feet from the water to stand. He steps closer to me putting his glass on the table picking me up and jumping in the pool.

Resurface to see him laughing at me. "Hope you cooled down?" His voice is so annoying. "Why would you do that?" Not happy with him for doing what he had done. "You looked like you needed cooling down from the dream you were having," Shoot him a look tilt my head push him away from me making a face with annoyance. Trying to storm over to the steps but being in the water is not helping me at all.

Climbed the steps, grab a towel. Looked down at him in the pool. "Tessa, come on, it's only a bit of fun," He pleads with me. Rolled my eyes at him, which is the worst thing I could do. He gets out from the pool, grabs me and jumps back in. Yep, he hates it when I roll my eyes at him. Turn to splash him then make my way to the edge of the pool when a maid wanted our attention.

Stepped over to get a dry towel. She looks over at Kane. "Sir, there is a phone call from your office," He shakes his head and gets out. Takes one good look at me in my bikini, grabs a towel and just had to whip my ass with it. "Kane, that fucking hurt," I yell at him. "That will teach you for rolling your eyes at me. You know I don't like it." Smirked at him and rolled them again. He walks away from me laughing. "Tessa, I will get you back," I laughed rubbing my ass where he whipped me with the towel.

Dried before making my way to my room to have a shower. Stood in my room wrapped in a towel from having a shower. When there is a knock at the door. "Yes," I shout. Looked over to the door to see who it is and Kane stands there with his hands in his trouser pockets. "Tessa, I'm needed at the office, but I need you to come too. The media are everywhere," He didn't sound happy at all.

Stood gazing at him, wondering why the hell he wanted me to go with him. "What's wrong?" I asked. He shakes his head as he lowers it. "I will explain it all to you on the way to the office," He steps back with a gloomy look upon his face. Take a deep breath stepped into the closet to dress. I had to dress like a billionaire's wife. Found a blouse and a skirt plus heels. It's warm out. Picked up a small clutch bag and leave to meet Kane by the land Rover.


On our way into town to his office, he gazes out the window, not wanting to look at me. "Tessa, I fucked up big time," He said, still not looking at me. "Kane, I need to know more. Why do you think you fucked up?" I had to ask for the pure fact the media would ask me questions. "I shouldn't have got you mixed up in my affairs." He responds. He turns to face me. His face looking gloomy with whatever is going on. He hadn't shaved in a few days, making him look sexy. His piercing light blue orbs showing sadness.

He takes a deep breath shakes his head. "I invested in the wrong deal, but at the same time I slept with her," That's not new to me. "You've slept with a few women. You will have to be a bit clearer to me," I said. "To seal the deal, she wanted to sleep with me. I did and invested a considerable amount of money. But the investment crashed four hours ago, and now she's talking to the media about our affair." He slouches back in the seat.

Shake my head in disbelieve. My eyes gaze out the window, my heart's beating fast. "Kane, how much did you invest in her fake company," I just needed to know. "A billion," He rubs his face after telling me. "Kane. How fucking stupid could you be?" He doesn't answer me. "Did you invest any of my money?" He shakes his head. "No. Just my own. I'm sorry Tessa to get you mixed up in this," Well, he is all apologetic with what he had done. I'm shocked he done this.

Just glad he didn't use any of my money. We might have married for all the wrong reasons, but we both come from wealthy families. The only family I have is Kane, who I trusted to take care of all my investments plus the business that was left to me. We merged the two when we married into one consolidated business, Waitland and Newman.

The car pulled up to the office building where the media are waiting with questions. The driver gets the door Kane steps out and I follow him. He holds my hand as we approached the building. Not taking any notice of the questions they are shouting at us. We enter the building to have his PA hand him a file. "The members of the board are waiting in the conference room," She tells him.

He looks at me while we make our way to the room. He almost yanked my arm from me. This mess needs to be sorted fast. It's not helping the business at all. We enter the room to see eight gentlemen sitting not looking too pleased, but when their eyes see me they stand. Each one greets me. We sit to read over the report of the investment. The loss is too much. Seeing the actual figure on paper makes it unbearable to look at. A billion-pound gone in just a heartbeat.

I know between us we have billions upon billions, but that is not the point. The thing is, he fucked up big time and this could ruin potential investments in the near future. If we don't get this sorted and shut this woman up, we could face financial ruin.

Stood back listening to these men and Kane shouting and yelling at each other. Saying the same words over and over. None of them getting anywhere or even coming to an arrangement. Turned to gaze out the window. "Who is this woman?" I asked, and the room went quiet. Turn to face these men. I might be young and in over my head by asking them, but I knew how my father did his business.

They all sit up and look over at me. Kane shakes his head. "It's a simple question," My tone is soft. "Tessa, I told you what happened," Kane said shaking his head. "Yes, I know what you said, but what I want to know is. Did any of you think to do your homework and check her out," They all shake their heads at me with my question I asked them?

Stepped to the door to open it. "Next time do your homework. But the only way to rectify this is to find out everything there is to know about her." Stepped out the door to leave. Make my way back to the car, leaving Kane to sort his mess out. I didn't want to get involved, but I already am.






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