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Isabella's pov

I feel something really comfortable under me. A bed. Somewhere I haven't been for I think two days.
I woke up and I feel someone next to me, or rather people, next to me. It feels like forever since I slept. I never got a blink of sleep when I was at that place. Just thinking about it gets me scared and sad. Scared of Jack, who once used to be loving and funny but now he's deadly.
Sad that me and Kai went through that. Kai had nothing to do with this. I can't believe I got him into this. I honestly hoped that when Jack touched me or hit me, Kai would at least be unconscious. But him yelling at Jack told me he was awake.
Ryders the person next to me. I snuggle more into him, since being with my brothers make me feel safe.

I feel more tears fall out. I feel someone move, and quickly wipe the tears away. Noah sits up and looks at me. "You were crying, whats wrong?" He asked me worried. I smile and say "no, I'm fine." He looks at me unconvinced. My other brothers wake up at the sound of our voices. "Isabella what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Xavier asked me. The look on his face makes me sad. So much worry. I made them worry so much about me. " I'm okay I guess. I'm really sorry I made you all worry" I said looking down.
"Fu** no" I look at Ryder surprised. "Don't you ever be sorry Isabella. We only worried because we love you. You can't ask us to not worry. It's our job to. It's not your fault, so please don't ever be sorry" he said so calmly and sincerely. I think this is maybe the first time he isn't yelling.
I smile at him and he wipes a tear that had fell from my eyes.

We all are still on my bed laying down quietly. Xavier and Noah are now next to me hugging. The others are still here next to us. Ryder and Hunter by our feet and Jax and Max next to Noah and Xavier. I felt a bit weird when Xavier asked to cuddle me. I never thought he would be someone who would cuddle their sister. Hunter sits up and we all look at him confused. "Isabella, if it's okay, I was wondering if you could tell us what exactly did Jack do to you?" Oh. "What the hell you don't ask her that right now"

Ryder says to Hunter smacking at the back of his head. They should know, I mean their my brothers after all. "It's okay" I chuckle. I sit up and the others do as well. " so as you may know Jack touched me. He didn't exactly touch me enough to take my.. you know...V card. But he did touch me enough that was almost like he did take it away. Other then touching he hit, hard. He um punched me almost every just not my lips and neck cuz that's where he you know kissed. Since there were no windows or anything, I didn't know if it was day or night. I didn't even know is all of this happened in a few hours or days.
Nathan was mostly punching Kai. Until he was unconscious or something. When Kai wasn't unconscious, Jack made sure Kai watch what he did to me. Kai would yell at him to get off me but Jack didn't listen. Jack was really close to um... taking it. But he didn't get the chance when he heard the door open and a few minutes later you came in" I explained. I could feel tears falling out as well as me hugging my own body when I think of his lips on my neck. I look up my brothers and see faces of anger, in all of them. "I'm going to kill that fu**ed up a**whole" said Noah. Woah the first time I heard him actually mad and curse. Everyone else except Xavier looked at him at shock like I was.
"What's going to happen to them? Nathan and Jack?" I asked Xavier. " Their going to Jail, Nathan for 6 years cuz he assisted Jack and Jack will be going for Life. They won't be able to touch you Isabella, We'll make sure of that" I felt some weight come off my shoulders. They'll both be in jail. "I love you guys" I said giving Xavier a hug, everyone joined and whispered I love you.
(A month later)

It's been a month. For a few days I didn't leave my bed cuz I didn't feel like leaving it and my brothers understood that. My friends actually came a week later. I was happy that they were there. I actually didn't talk to Kai at first because I was scared. I honestly thought he would stop being friends with me since what happened to him is my fault but it was the opposite. He was happy that we both are safe. He doesn't blame me for any of it.

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